Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Elmin inkişafına dövlət dəstəyinin əməli ifadəsi - Akademik İsa Həbibbəyli

19-01-2023 [ 13:16 ] [ read:45 ]
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During the period of independence, important steps were taken at the state level in the direction of developing science in general along with all areas of social life, including regulating the activities of the National Academy of Sciences, strengthening the social protection of scientific workers, and the expansion and development of the intellectual potential of our country was ensured. The important decrees signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in order to further develop the field of science are a practical expression of the state's support for the development of the academic society and the new scientific generation at a new historical stage. Increasing the salaries of the National Academy of Sciences Presidium and staff, Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia Scientific Center and Ganja Branch employees is the next important step taken at the state level in terms of further improving the social protection of the intelligentsia working in the field of science. At the same time, the Decree on "Establishing a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for persons with a scientific degree with more than 25 years of work experience in the field of science and education" was amended, increasing the scholarships to 500 manats for the scientific degree of doctor of sciences and 300 manats for the scientific degree of doctor of philosophy. is an important decision that creates an incentive for the alternation of working generations. This is a wide field opened for the development of the scientific generations that will follow them, along with the support of the social protection of scientists who have reached the age of receiving a labor pension. In addition, by improving the rule of "Giving a monthly stipend for honorary titles", the determination of additional payments for the services of well-known dedicated scientists who have the honorary title of Honored Scientist is an expression of the high value given to their activities by our state. Academy society highly appreciates the increase of salaries of scientific workers as a practical expression of the President of our country's concern for the development of science and the work of our scientists in a broad sense, along with the stimulation of scientists' activities. All this reflects the broad scale of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev's efforts to bring scientists to the forefront of society. Scientists deeply understand that at a time when the Patriotic War - the Karabakh War has just ended, and the Great Return movement is rapidly implementing many tasks, increasing the employees and scholarships of science and education workers is a huge step taken by President Ilham Aliyev in the field of evaluating the activities of science and education people in building a new society. it is an important event as an important thoughtful step.

As the preparation of a new scientific generation is always a priority for the field of science, especially for the National Academy of Sciences, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev decided to increase the amount of scholarships awarded to doctoral students, higher education, secondary and vocational education institutions, as well as to students studying at the master's level of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The Decree dated January 13, 2023 on "increase" is of great importance for all science and higher education institutions, especially the National Academy of Sciences, which prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of science. The indicators reflected in the Decree of our head of state on scholarships serve to create a suitable opportunity for the representatives of the new generation of doctoral students to continue their activities. Thus, the steps taken at the state level will expand the scale of the arrival of young forces to science in our country. This will encourage the elimination of the difficulties caused by aging processes in the field of science and the initiation of the rejuvenation movement in science.

As it can be seen, the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on the further improvement of the social protection of science and higher education institution employees are a practical expression of the great state care and support shown to the development of science in our country. The adopted decisions will have a positive effect on the beginning of a new stage in the development of science in Azerbaijan. Along with the further improvement of the social protection of scientific workers, the Presidential Decrees will lead to the further increase of the reputation of scientific workers and scientists in our country, especially the National Academy of Sciences. The scientific community of Azerbaijan highly appreciates the decrees, decisions and practical steps taken by our honorable President in the direction of the development of science, scientists, and the Academy.