Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held Kamran Mammadov‘s 100th anniversary

05-01-2023 [ 12:15 ] [ read:116 ]
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ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held a conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of prominent literary critic-scientist, Honored scientist, Professor Kamran Mammadov. First, an exhibition reflecting the scientific activity of the scientist was presented. At the event a slide on the activities of the scientist was shown.

ANAS President, Academician Isa Habibbayli, opened the conference and pointed out that a role of prominent scientist Kamran Mammadov in the history of literature is not only related to literary texts, the scientist also works on serious archival documents and facts. Academician Isa Habibbayli emphasized that facts, documents, and materials taken from the periodical press are reflected in the author's work with all accuracy.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that the literary critic-scientist Kamran Mammadov, distinguished by his natural and unique character and living in memories as a whole personality, attached great importance to the ideas of patriotism and Azerbaijaniism, and took this position as a basis in his works. He was also a participant in the Great Patriotic War. The head of ANAS emphasized that the works of the eminent scientist retain their relevance even today, stand out for their uniqueness and serve the development of our science. He noted that Kamran Mammadov's "Front Diaries" is among the most famous works written on the topic of patriotism.

ANAS President pointed out that the eminent scientist always reacted emotionally to events related to patriotism, and that his love for Shusha and Karabakh was a clear example of the citizenship position. He said that the soul of Kamran Mammadov is happy that today the conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of his birth is being celebrated in Azerbaijan, where territorial integrity has been restored. Academician Isa Habibbayli, who said that Kamran Mammadov worked as a department head at the Institute of Literature for a long time, noted that he had many students and reminded that the scientist had a great role in raising the institute to the level of a temple of science.

ANAS head stated that, Kamran Mammadov was his scientific supervisor during his post-graduate studies and shared his memories about the literary scholar. He also drew attention to the great role of the literary scholar's legacy in the formation of his interest in satirical genre examples. Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that today's event is an expression of respect for Professor Kamran Mammadov, and emphasized that the purpose of the conference is to train a generation of literary scholars at the Institute of Literature on the example of the eminent scientist and the department he once headed, and to further develop activities in this direction.

At the conference, Professor Tahira Mammad, Professor Islam Gharibli, Professor Asif Rustamli, PhD in Philology, associate professor Gulbaniz Babayeva and Asmar Huseynova, PhD in Philology delivered papers.

At the event, Academician Mukhtar Imanov, Professor Imamverdi Hamidov, PhD in Philology Solmaz Hayatova and PhD in Philology, associate professor Rauf Sadikhov spoke on the works by Professor Kamran Mammadov and shared their memories about the scientist.

In the end, Leyla Mammadova, the daughter of a literary critic, head of the Department of Folklore and Written Literature of the Institute of Folklore, Doctor of Philology expressed her gratitude to the participants and organizers of the event.