Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held an event on "Independent press of the period of independence: "525th newspaper".

21-11-2022 [ 12:00 ] [ read:35 ]
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On November 17,  ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literaturean held an event devoted to the 30th anniversary of the "525th newspaper"  on the topic "Independent press of the independence era: "525th newspaper".

ANAS President,  Academician Isa Habibbeyli, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Press Council, Editor-in-Chief of "525th Newspaper" Rashad Majid, General Directors and employees of ANAS and its scientific institutions and organizations, employees of the Faculty of Journalism of Baku State University, Turkey,  and guests from Uzbekistan, as well as the staff of "525th newspaper" and media representatives attended the event..

ANAS President, Aacademician Isa Habibbeyli has opened the meeting, noted that Rashad Majid, Editor-in-Chief of "525th newspaper" a friend of the Academy and an outstanding intellectual of Azerbaijan, and congratulated him on his election as the chairman of the Azerbaijan Press Council. He stressed that, the election of Rashad Majid to this position is one of the biggest achievements of the Azerbaijani press, especially "525 newspaper". According to him, "525th newspaper" is the most sustainable and successful example of the press of independent Azerbaijan.

Stating that after the restoration of Azerbaijan's independence, a large number of media outlets appeared in our country, the head of ANAS said that although many of them have stopped operating over the past years, "525-ci Gazet", which is the same age as our independence, clearly fulfills its mission: "525-ci Gazet" is an independent is the biggest example for those who want to create a press. It is a multi-profile press body with a unique face that protects the ideas of statehood and independence of Azerbaijan. "525th newspaper" professionally presents articles and news to the public in all areas of interest to the Azerbaijani society, be it socio-political, economic, scientific, literary, cultural, sports or other areas. Also, its authors have a wide profile, and in short, "525th newspaper" is the flagship of the press of the period of independence of Azerbaijan.

Academician Isa Habibbayli said that "525th newspaper" has been closely cooperating with Azerbaijani scientists since its inception, and it is possible to get acquainted with the history of ANAS in the last 30 years by reading the newspaper's materials. He noted that the main reason why "525th Newspaper" constantly provided the Azerbaijani society and its readers with full, unbiased information and continued its multi-profile activity professionally in all directions is its editor-in-chief Rashad Majid. According to the academician, Rashad Majid has proven himself as a social and political figure, an outstanding press representative and created a different school of journalism in the history of the Azerbaijani press: "525-ci Gazet" publishes selections from the Facebook social network once a week. This is a newspaper version of Facebook. In short, it is a novelty in the Azerbaijani press. Rashad Majid crossed the boundaries of the literary school and created a modern, multi-profile journalism school. "The 525th newspaper" of which he is the editor-in-chief is an exemplary press body that leads the way for tomorrow and stands at the front lines in the formation of public opinion.

At the end of his speech, the head of ANAS congratulated Rashad Majid and the staff of the newspaper on their 30th anniversary and wished them success in their future activities.

The chief editor of "525 newspaper" Rashad Majida presented the painting depicting the Shusha Castle and Kharibbulbul on the President of ANAS.

After that, the general director of the Institute of Manuscripts named after Muhammad Fuzuli of ANAS, academician Teymur Karimli, spoke on the topic "The newspaper that created a school in journalism: "525th newspaper".

Also at the event were the general director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, corresponding member of ANAS Misir Mardanov, department head of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS, Konul Bunyadzadeh, corresponding member of ANAS, chairman of the Eurasian Writers' Union from Turkey Yagub Omaroglu, in the name of Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS Senior researcher of the Institute of Literature, professor Gazanfar Pashayev, head of department of the same institution, professor Shirindil Alyshanli, senior specialist Ulkar Huseynova, professor of the Faculty of Journalism of Baku State University Jahangir Mammadli and head of the department of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alishir Navai, professor Nurbay Jabbarov gave a speech congratulated the staff of the newspaper and the editor-in-chief Rashad Majid, and talked about the contribution of the publication to the press and society of Azerbaijan.

Later, the Editor-in-Chief of the "525th newspaper", Chairman of the Azerbaijan Press Council, Rashad Majid, expressed his gratitude to the head of ANAS and the speakers, and also congratulated academician Isa Habibbayli on his election as the president of the Academy: "November 17, when it started its activities 30 years ago, is National Revival Day. was We spent our 10th anniversary with people who encompass the public opinion of Azerbaijan. We are proud that in 1998, the interview of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, who was the first vice-president of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan at that time, "Oil should be a means for us, not a goal" was published for the first time in the Azerbaijani press in "525-ci Gazet". "525-ci Gazet" has preserved its restrained position in relation to literary and cultural events as well as political processes. We spent our 25th anniversary at Baku State University. It also had a meaning. Most of us graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of BSU.  Academician Isa Habibbayli celebrated our anniversary at the Institute of Literature at that time".

Rashad Majid appreciated and expressed his gratitude for holding the anniversary of a newspaper with the participation of the president of the Academy.

At the end, a commemorative photo was taken.