Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Our scientists were awarded by Honorary Decrees named after H.Z.Taghiyev.

13-06-2022 [ 11:28 ] [ read:156 ]
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Mardakan Culture House held the presentation ceremony of the monograph on "The Embodiment of Kindness" written by the head of the Department of Press History and Publicism of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Doctor of Philology, Professor, People's Poet of Turan Vugar Ahmad devoted to the 200th anniversary of Haji Zeynalabdin Taghiyev.

It is known that President Ilham Aliyev signed an order on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Taghiyev in our country and UNESCO. This presentation is the first event dedicated to the anniversary. The monograph is the first scientific, fundamental research on Taghiyev's multifaceted activity.

Professors Lala Alizadeh, Nasiman Yagublu, researcher, author of the book "Foreword" Ulker Huseynova, associate professors Vugar Garadagli, Azizaga Najafzadeh, Mehman Hasanli and others were among the well-known scientists at the presentation of the book. They spoke about the scientific and artistic merits of the monograph, the greatness of Tagiyev's personality.

In the artistic part, Vugar Ahmad's poems dedicated to Tagiyev were performed by Mardakan schoolchildren, and beloved singers Almakhanim and Sadaf Budagov sang songs written in the poet's words. At the event, President of the H.Z.Taghiyev Foundation operating in Moscow, Russia, Muzaffar Agayev awarded our scientists with Honorary Decrees established in Tagiyev's name.

In conclusion, Professor Vugar Ahmad said that the monograph was written on the basis of the Order of President Ilham Aliyev on the 200th anniversary of H.Z.Taghiyev, and briefed on the monograph and historical novels he wrote about this work and historical figures. He thanked those who worked hard to hold the event. He recited his poems "Azerbaijan" and "Vusarli, the head of the mountains of Shusha". The presentation ended with a standing ovation.

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