Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


"Universal values and intercultural dialogue in the works by Nizami Ganjavi" around table held

22-12-2021 [ 11:18 ] [ read:183 ]
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On December 13, 2021, the Scientific-Methodological and Professional Development Center for Culture of the Ministry of Culture held a round table on "Universal values and intercultural dialogue in the works by Nizami Ganjavi" at the "Azerkitab" Book Center.The purpose of the event, organized in accordance with the Center's Work Plan for the second half of 2021 is to discuss the role of the genius thinker's creativity in the development of world literature, science, culture and art, rich philosophical heritage, humanism, tolerance, multiculturalism and universal values.
The round table was opened by Saadat Khalafbeyli, Director of the Scientific-Methodological and Professional Development Center for Culture.Norwegian translator, Nizami Ganjavi researcher Ragnhild Tori, professor of Azerbaijan National Conservatory, doctor of arts Abbasgulu Najafzadeh, leading researcher of Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in philology, associate professor Zahra Allahverdiyeva, Honored Cultural Worker, Azerbaijan National Culinary President of the Center, Editor-in-Chief of "Kulina" magazine Tahir Amiraslanov, Honored Cultural Worker, Director of the Azerbaijan State Museum of Musical Culture, Doctor of Philosophy in Art History, Associate Professor Alla Bayramova, Head of the "Social Sciences" Department of the Azerbaijan National Conservatory, Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Firudin Gurbansoy , Advisor to the Chairman of the Writers' Union of Azerbaijan, Head of the South Azerbaijan Department Sayman Aruz, Head of the Nizami Branch of the Ganja State Historical and Cultural Reserve Gulnara Ismayilova, Teacher of Ganja State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology Vusal Isgandarov, as well as Employees of Baku city and regional cultural departments and the Center participated in the online format.

During the event, Ragnhild Thori, who has studied Nizami's works for many years, gave detailed information about the analysis of the thinker's poems. She adapted researcher Nizami Ganjavi's "Leyli and Majnun" in a way that young readers can understand and talked about the fact that the book, decorated with rich miniatures, has been published at various times since 2012 in a total of 6,600 copies in 3 languages. During his visit to Azerbaijan, he informed that the compact work was performed in a foreign language by schoolchildren studying in Ganja and staged by children in Kish settlement of Sheki.It should be noted that during the extensive research, the foreign researcher accurately analyzed not only the main characters of the works in "Khamsa", but also the psychological portrait of other characters, and managed to provide readers with a detailed explanation of the chronology of events along the plot.

Afterwards, the participating scholars-specialists studied Azerbaijani musical instruments in Nizami's heritage, Nizami Ganjavi period and genealogy, Nizami period-cuisine culture, Music in Nizami's pages, Nizami's Ganja, Nizami's work, multiculturalism, universal values, examples of Turkism in Nizami Ganjavi's works and other directions. covering speeches were heard. At the same time, the role of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation in promoting the great Nizami's legacy to the international arena was emphasized.In the literary and artistic part of the event, the performance of the "Fantasy" string quartet of the Eleven-Year Music School No. 26 named after M. Magomayev in Baku, "Is It Possible" performed by the soloist of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic named after M. Magomayev Talib Isgandarov, a student of the Eleven-Year Music School No. 3 named after J. Hajiyev , "Sweetheart" performed by Presidential Fellow Atilla Mammadov, "Without You" romances performed by Muslim Magomayev, a fragment from the film "Nizami" and a waltz from the ballet "Seven Beauties" by the dance group "Aysel" of the Children's Art School No. 2 named after V.Mustafazade . In addition, an exhibition of Azerbaijani musical instruments named after Nizami Ganjavi was demonstrated.
In conclusion, we would like to note that the event was organized in a hybrid format - live and online.
The event was watched by more than 100 spectators through the ZOOM platform.