Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature celebrated our historical victory

12-11-2020 [ 12:42 ] [ read:32 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a meeting devoted to the great victory of Azerbaijan. The event was opened by the first vice-president of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli, who congratulated our people and employees of the Institute. Touching upon the important issues in achieving the victory, Academician noted that, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief worked hard for the victory of our army: “Mr. President Ilham Aliyev  has gone down in history as a victorious President. His interviews with more than thirty countries and his seven appeals to the people of Azerbaijan played an important role in deciding the fate of the war. He is a real commander, a great military commander, the winner is Ilham Aliyev. When Shusha was liberated, he honored the grave of his father, our national leader Heydar Aliyev and reported, fulfilled his duty. Speaking about the importance of the victory in Shusha, Academician stressed that, all the soldiers who took part in the liberation of the city deserve the title of National Hero. "In general, the Azerbaijani Army is a heroic army. This army has a victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief like Ilham Aliyev. National leader Heydar Aliyev created a new epoch of the Azerbaijani people.  Ilham Aliyev who renews and develops this epoch at the political, economic, cultural and all levels and the name of this stage is the era of Ilham Aliyev” Academician said.

Speaking on the importance of our diplomatic relations in the victory, Academician stressed that, Turkey, Pakistan and Israel unequivocally support our country, noting the tolerance of neighbors such as Russia and Iran.

Then, professors Gazanfar Pashayev, Maharram Gasimli, Tahira Mammad, associate professors Alizade Asgarli, Aygun Bagirli and others employeers Institute of Literature congratulated our Supreme Commander-in-Chief and our people on the historic victory.