Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS: Trade Union of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

25-04-2017 [ 13:36 ] [ read:296 ]
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Trade Union of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of ANAS was established after creation of the Institute on February in 1936.  Prominent scientistis led the Trade Union of the İnstitute for many years. Yagub İsmayilov,  doctor of philology, Huseyn Israfilov, doctor of philology, Islam Aghayev, doctor of philology, doctor of philosophy on philology Gurban Bayramov, doctor of philology Shamil Salmanov, doctor of philology Mahira Guliyeva led the organization in recent years. Asif Heydar oghlu Rustamli, doctor of philology has been leading the Trade Union of the Institute since 30 december, 2010. 

 Reporting-election conference of the Trade Union of the Institute was held in 2012, November and new administrative staff was selected.  The chairman of the administrative staff was selected A. Rustamli, Islam Garib, doctor of philology and Elnara Akimova, doctor of philosophy were selected as deputies of the chairman, while doctors of philosophy Aslan Salmansoy, Leyla Aliyeva, Hijran Nasibova, Gurbat Mirzazadeh, Zakulla Bayramli and Basira Azizaliyeva were selected members in the conference. 

 With the initiative and support of the Trade Union of the Institute New Year, Novruz holidays were celebrated, there were orginized trips to Sheki, Shamakhi, Gabala, Ismayilli, Nabran, Masallli and Lerik, as well as there were carried out visits to Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory, Sheki Khan Palace, Heydar Aliyev museum in Ismayilli, History-etnography museum in Lerik, to the memorial houses of Mirza Alakbar Sabir (Shamakhi), Molla Juma (Sheki, Ashaghi Laysgi village).

 Trade Union of the İnstitute of Literature named after Nizami is determined to carry out future significant duties in its responsibility, to support positive initiatives and to increase attention and concern against its members.