Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Department of Education

09-03-2017 [ 13:45 ] [ read:1086 ]
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Contacttel.(+994 12) 51 03 570
Chief of the department

 Samir Kamal oglu Sattarov- Doctor of Social Science

Collaborators of the department


Main activity directions

To implement the scientific activity and education of doctors and candidate for a degree, masters on Doctors of Science and Doctor of Philosophy

To receive the documents of doctors and candidates for a degree, to write the synopsizes;  to organize entrance and minimum exams on specialty

To organize commissions on entrance and minimum exams; to prepare tests

To prepare documents of doctors and candidate for a degree for attestation; to organize the attestation

To implement master education; to provide the dissertation defense

To organize the implementation of programs for probationer