Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Doctor of Philology Lutviyya Asgarzadeh delivered a paper at the ASEAD 13th International Social Sciences and Discourse 3rd International Philological Symposium

29-05-2024 [ 11:45 ] [ read:222 ]
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Lutviyya Askarzadeh, Doctor of Philology, employee of ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, ASEAD 13th International Social Science Symposium (Sweden-Bern), organized by ASEAD, International "Russification policy of the Russian Empire (XIX-XX), identity, language and alphabet problems (those who keep Turkish alive: Huseyn Javid Efendi)" (26.05 2024) attended the 3rd International Philological Symposium organized by Soylem Philology journal with paper on "Istanbul as a common symbol in Tevfik Fikret and Huseyn Javid" (25.05 2024).