Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Azerbaijani scientists in Turkey

03-06-2024 [ 11:46 ] [ read:70 ]
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Dr. Marziyya Najafova, senior researcher of the Department of Azerbaijani Literature of the Independence Period of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS, and Professor Sevinj Aliyeva, Director of the Monitoring Center under the State Language Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, are on business in Turkey at the invitation of Shevkiye Kazan, Professor of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature of the Akdeniz University Faculty of Literature. they were on a trip.
Within the framework of the visit, Sevinj Aliyeva and Marziyya Najafova were invited by the Turkish language and literature section of Akdeniz University Faculty of Literature.
participated in the organized "Turkological Conversations".
At the event, professor Sevinc Aliyeva gave a speech entitled "Turkish world and language unity". The scientists were also guests of TRT Antalya Radio.