Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Mahtimgulu Faraqi – 300

12-07-2023 [ 18:53 ] [ read:109 ]
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Within the requirements of the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan dated February 12, 2021 (No. 2139) "On the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker and classical poet of the East, Mahtimgulu Faragi" these days (June 25-26, 2023) in the city of Ashgabat The Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan held an international scientific conference called "A New Era of Revival of a Powerful State and the Separation of Mahtimgulu".

It is a matter of pride that a representative from Azerbaijan was also invited to this conference, along with influential countries such as Turkey, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Algeria, Iraq, and India. Head of Scientific Publications and Forecasting Department of ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, Ph.D. in Philology Tohfa Talibova's report entitled "The source of pride of Turkmen literature - Mahtimgulu Faraqi" was also received by the conference participants at a high level - with applause, and the short text of the speech was printed in their "Vatan" newspaper. has been done.

T.Talibova emphasized that the rich heritage of the classic poet of Turkmen literature, Mahtimgulu Faragi, has been widely studied in Azerbaijan, and noted that the poet's heart-warming poems were loved not only in his homeland, but also far beyond its borders and are still relevant today. Because it is impossible to imagine today's Turkmen literature without the national poet of the Turkmen people, Mahtimgul Faragi.

T.Talibova also specially noted that considering that Mahtimgulu Faragi is such a valuable personality, she thoroughly researched his work and defended it by writing a dissertation on the topic of "Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan Literary Relations during the Independence Period" and received a Ph.D. degree in philology. .

In her speech, T.Talibova spoke about the extensive analysis of the literary heritage of Mehtimgulu Faraqi in Azerbaijan, and noted that Mahtimgulu Faraqi is a great poet who is famous not only in Turkmenistan, but even beyond its borders with his talent and heart-warming poems. Today, it is impossible to imagine Turkmen literature without Mahtimgulu, the standard-bearer of classical poetry, the national poet of the Turkmen people. He is one of the artists with powerful and multifaceted poetry. He is one of the poets who tried his pen in many types of lyric genre in Eastern literature, wrote new type realistic poems in the spirit of medieval traditions and close to oral folk poetry. His creations are folk poetry couplets, garayli, tajnsi, etc. as well as its types, it is also rich in folklore motifs. In the article, the general creativity of the poet and its specific areas, role in the development of literary relations, friendship between peoples, artistic features, etc. taken as a research object.

T. Talibova once again brought to the attention of the participants that the main themes of the poems of Mahtimgulu Faragi, who left a great mark on the Turkish world and world literature and followed a rich and multifaceted creative path, which came out of the heart of folk poetry, always made him think about the homeland, the people, the establishment of an independent state by his people, leisure, peace. lived in the conditions. The study of his poetic heritage will serve to bring the Azerbaijani and Turkmen people closer to each other, to further strengthen the ideas of friendship, solidarity, humanism and Turkism between them.

It was noted that the main goal of the conference is to promote the literary heritage of Mahtimgulu Faragi, to deepen scientific research in this field, to attract the attention of the international scientific and literary community to the poetic-philosophical world of the great Turkmen classic.

The participants of the event got acquainted with the ancient city of Nisa, located 18 km southwest of Ashgabat, and the visitors were given extensive information about the important buildings, tombs and temples, written documents and a looted treasure discovered during the excavations. A large number of ivory rhytons and coins decorated with classical mythological scenes were discovered here, as well as many Hellenistic works of art. Nisa Castle was included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO in 2007.

The participants also visited the National Carpet Museum located in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan, and the State Library of Turkmenistan.