Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Professor Tahira Mammad took place in the Turkish World Strategic Investigations Congress

24-11-2017 [ 14:37 ] [ read:116 ]
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Tahira Mammad, chief of the department Literary theory of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, doctor of philology, professor Tahira Mammad took place in the Turkish World Strategic Investigation Congress on 2-5 November. TIKA Bursa Uludagh University, The Academy of Public Administration Under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan State University of Economy,  Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, Kazakhstan Ahmad Yasavi University, Kirghizstan Jalal-Abad Economy and Management University, Macedonia International Vision Univeristy took place as supportive organizations in the work of congress held by the organization of Strategical investigation group of Manisa Jalal Bayar University.

ANAS had been represented in the congress with two lectures. Tahira Mammad had a lecture in the topic of “Characters, stages and strategy  reflecting Turkish image in Azerbaijan literature”. Lecture was interesting for the participants of the Congress.