Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


It was held scientific conference devoted to Khagani Shirvani in Shabran

20-06-2017 [ 13:04 ] [ read:334 ]
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It was held scientific conference devoted to great Azerbaijani poet Afzaladdin Khagani Shirvani with the organization of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Genjevi of ANAS and Mayoralty of Shabran district.

 Firstly,  vice-president of ANAS,  academic Isa Habibbayli, head of Mayoralty of Shabran district Novruz Novruzov, poets and writers, collaborators of the Institute of Literature, scientific public of the district paid a visit the monuments of nationwide leader Heydar Aliyev. 

Then, conference attendees reviewed the area, locating ancient Shabran city, which was revealed during archeological excavations and the ruins of the prison, in which Khagani supposed to have been kept.

Visiting “Khagani’s poetry house”, the guests have donated the special edition of “Literature journal” devoted to the Khagani Shirvani and book dubbed “Khagani Shirvani. Arabic poems. Philological translation” to the region library and museum.

N.Novruzov made speech at the conference, holding in the act hall of REP, and brought to mind President Ilham Aliyev’s care and attention to science, art and literature.

Reporting at the event, Academic Isa Habibbeyli spoke of government’s care to development of regions and reconstruction works carried out in Shabran. One of the aims visiting to the region is to promote literature in the regions, he noted.

The books devoted to the Khagani Shirvani were presented at the conference as well. Head of Literary relations and artistic translation center of Azerbaijan Writers’ Union Salim Babullaoghlu spoke of “Khagani Shirvani. Arabic poems. Philological translation”.

Later on, Professor of the Literature Institute Alizade Asgarli made a detailed presentation on special edition of “Literature journal” devoted to the Khagani Shirvani.

Professor of Ethnic Literature Institute of Chinese Social Academy of Sciences Huang Zhongkhiang, head of Shabran Branch of the Azerbaijan Writers’ Union Aydin Taghiyev and others notified the importance of the event.

Doctor of Philology, Professor Imamverdi Hamidov delivered a lecture on "Khagani's Arabic Poems", Doctor of Philology Pasha Karimov on “Manuscripts of Khagan's works at the Institute of Manuscripts of ANAS", Doctor of Philology Vagif Yusifli on "Literature in Khagani Dormitory", Doctor of Philology Lala Alizadeh on “The artistic features of the Khagani lyrics" etc. at the event.