A book dedicated to Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored Scientist Habib Babayev entitled “Işıq adam: An example of service to the people and science” has been published.
The scientific editor and preparer of the book, which was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS, is Doctor of Philology, Professor Nizami Tagısoy.
The book sheds light on the life path of Habib Babayev, who dedicated his scientific, theoretical and pedagogical activities, creative life to the development of Azerbaijani literary studies, the acquisition of rich knowledge by university students, and trained numerous scientists. At the same time, various aspects of the scientific research of the great man and scientist are evaluated by his well-known colleagues, students, friends, and relatives and presented to readers.
The publication contains fragile memories of the scientist from Yusif Rustamov, Panah Khalilov, Nizami Mammadov Taghisoy, Telman Jafarov (Valikhanli), Rafig Novruzov, Safura Guliyeva, Ilaha Jarchiyeva, Islam Agakerimov, Seyfal Hasanov, Mubariz Mammadli, Farrukh Mammadov, compatriots Nurali Chalabiyev, Svetlana Salamova and others, and fragments from the poem "Colors of a Lifetime" dedicated to the unforgettable memory of Professor Habib Babayev by the talented poet Ramiz Heydar are presented.