Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Rahim Aliyev. New Azerbaijani literature historical essays (1813-2023). The third volume

13-09-2024 [ 15:28 ] [ read:127 ]
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This book is the third volume of critic, doctor of philology Rahim Aliyev's three-volume project of historical essays on native language Azerbaijani literature. This volume is dedicated to the history of European-style new Azerbaijani literature. The scientific concept of the essays belongs to the author and aims to create a pure, objective history of literature from neo-Bolshevik scientific templates. The author treats the literary customs existing in the Union of Writers and its bodies as only one of the directions of national literary development. Rahim Aliyev, for the first time, justifies the existence of a Marxist national current in the history of political and artistic thought of Azerbaijan and includes it in the history of literature. He also tries to show that in the literature of the Soviet period, in addition to the national trend, there is consumer nomenclature literature, and it was created with the serious resistance of democratic writers. The peculiarity of the literature of the independence period forms the main line of the book.

This volume is not yet a complete and detailed history of literature. But the author hopes that the scientific and literary principles established here will forever put an end to the dominance of the literary historiography tradition, which was created by the neo-Bolshevik literary nomenclature and played the leading role. At the very least, the emergence of such alternative literary histories will be inevitable.