Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Badirkhan Ahmadli. "History of 20th century Azerbaijani literature"

29-10-2024 [ 12:52 ] [ read:117 ]
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The 3-volume fundamental textbook of Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli has been published

A 3-volume textbook of 650-700 pages each of 650-700 pages has been published by Badirkhan Ahmadli, head of the department of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, doctor of philology, professor, teacher of the Department of Literature and Languages ​​of Khazar University.

For the first time, a single author's textbook covering the entire 20th century was made available to undergraduates, masters, doctoral students and researchers. The 1st volume of the textbook covers the Azerbaijan national movement (1890-1920), the 2nd volume covers the post-republic and Soviet period (1920-1950), and the 3rd volume covers the eve of independence and independence (1960-2020). The literary process of the period, its literature is approached with new criteria and a new concept is introduced.

The new periodization concept of 20th century Azerbaijani literature is also reflected in the textbook-monograph. The textbook analyzes individual development tendencies, directions, problems and events of literature. For the first time, the literary process of an entire century is examined impartially from the literary point of view, not with ideological criteria, in terms of the new European style of literary historiography. The author approaches the literature of the century, which includes many complex and contradictory events, "isms", literary trends, different methodology and literary principles, from a unique literary and methodological context and comes from a correct concept as much as possible. Problems such as repression, Soviet literature, emigration and legion literature were not read here with political lenses, the literary process was objectively examined, and literary personalities were evaluated with a new thought. However, it should also be said that not all the literary personalities who wrote and created in the centenary were given a separate essay, only those artists who tried to change the direction of literature and proved themselves were given a separate essay.

The textbook was written at the department of Azerbaijani literature of Baku Slavic University, where the author worked for 25 years.