Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Leaves from French poetry (under the project management of Marjan Sofiyeva)

10-10-2023 [ 16:22 ] [ read:169 ]
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The book "Leaves from French poetry" was published under the project management of Marjan Sofiyeva, a researcher of the Department of World Literature and Comparative Studies of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Selected poems from French poetry were presented to the readers together with the students of the Faculty of Philology (French language and literature) of the Azerbaijan University of Languages who were practicing at the Institute of Literature. Artistic editing of the translated texts of the book belongs to Marjan Sofiyeva. The scientific editor is Aida Feyzullayeva, the French translation consultant is Imran Guliyev, the editor and proofreader is Ofelya Ismayilova, and the design and layout belongs to Kamala Imamverdiyeva. Professor Guler Abdullabayova, head of the Department of World Literature and Comparative Studies, wrote a foreword to the book entitled "Successful Project". The poems were translated from the original by Ravana Yusifova, Humay Mardanli, Leyla Hajiyeva, Aysel Najafova and Narmin Salimova, students of ASU. It should be noted that the book contains information about the authors in Azerbaijani, as well as the French original, Azerbaijani translation, Russian and English translations of each poem. The book includes French poets Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867), Stephane Mallarmé (1842-1896), Paul Verlaine (1844-1896), Paul Valery (1871-1945), Jacques Préver (1900-1977), Guillaume Appoliner (1880-1918). applied to his poems.