Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Maqsud Sheikhzadeh and his drama "Jalaladdin Manguberdi"

09-06-2023 [ 15:06 ] [ read:49 ]
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In 2023, the book "Maqsud Sheikhzadeh and his drama "Jalaladdin Manguberdi" written by Almaz Ulvi and Umid Bekmuhammad as co-authors was published. The book was published in "Agahi" publishing house in Urganj, Republic of Uzbekistan. This book, which consists of 176 pages, contains journalistic writings - essays and drama. Bekzad Abdrimov, head of "Jalaladdin Manguberdi" foundation, doctor of philosophy in historical sciences, gave comprehensive information about Magsud Sheykhzade and his personality and creativity in the article "Magsud Sheykhzade - an example of friendship". The editors of the book are Gudrat Masharipov, Doctor of History, Associate Professor, and Gulamjan Atajanov, Chief Specialist of the Kharazm City Department of the Republican Spirituality and Enlightenment Center. Doctor of philological sciences, associate professor Dilshadbek Gayibov and doctor of philosophy Omarbek Khojamuradov wrote a review for the book. The work describes Jalaladdin Manguberdi's place in history with high artistry, and calls our young people to always unite for the love of the Motherland and its welfare.