Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Shahbaz Shamioglu. "Emigration heritage of Azerbaijan: prose and literary studies"

26-04-2023 [ 12:20 ] [ read:144 ]
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 "Azerbaijani emigration heritage: prose and literary studies" a newly published monograph by Shahbaz Shamioglu (Musayev), senior researcher of the Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Doctor of Philology (Baku: Elm va tahsil, 2023, 332 p.) is the result of several years of research. The scientific editor of the monograph recommended for publication by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of the Academy is Dr. Nikpur Jabbarli, the reviewers are Dr. Abid Tahirli and Doctor of Philology Ataami Mirzayev. The monograph consisting of "Introduction", "Azerbaijani emigration prose: organization, development directions", "Azerbaijani emigration literary studies" chapters and "Conclusion" is intended for the literary and scientific community, students and masters of higher schools, as well as readers interested in the topic. . Sh.Shamioglu substantiates with serious arguments that the emigration heritage is relevant and important from the point of view of ideas, themes, content, language, style, craftsmanship, and the difficult but honorable way of life of the Mujahideen. The monograph prepared at the level of the requirements of modern literary studies is a new contribution to emigration studies.