Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

History of Azerbaijani literature. Volume IX: South Azerbaijan literature

25-02-2022 [ 12:27 ] [ read:143 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi has published the ninth volume of the ten-volume "History of Azerbaijani Literature". The ninth volume, published by the decision of the minutes of the meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute No. 7 dated October 28, 2021, covers the section "Literature of South Azerbaijan".

The editorial board of the 1220-page book includes Isa Habibbayli (editor-in-chief), Rahim Aliyev (editor-in-chief), Alizade Askerli (deputy editor-in-chief), Fikret Suleymanoglu (executive secretary), Aygun Bagirli, Esmira Fuad and Parvana Mammadli.

The book, published by "Elm" Publishing House, begins with a foreword by ANAS Vice-President, Director of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, Academician Isa Habibbayli entitled "South Azerbaijan Volume of the History of Literature".

In the ninth volume of the fundamental book "History of Azerbaijani literature" - "Southern Azerbaijan literature", which is a collective scientific and creative product, the problems are studied on specific stages and directions. The academic publication explores the socio-political and literary-cultural environment of the 19th century South Azerbaijan literature, as well as the formation, stages of development of the enlightenment movement of the period, the idea-content, language and stylistic features of enlightenment-realist literature.

The book analyzes the literature of the periods of struggle for national liberation (1906-1920) and national resistance (1920-1941) in South Azerbaijan on a scientific basis. The volume presents the independence literature of the national movement during the Second World War (1941-1946), the literary process of the following years (1947-1979) and the new stage after the Iranian Islamic Revolution (since 1979), as well as the literary activity of South Azerbaijani emigration. Extensive reviews and comprehensive portrait-essays of each historical-literary stage are given in the fundamental research work.

The book contains scientific reviews and portrait-essays by Isa Habibbayli, Teymur Ahmadov, Rahim Aliyev, Dilshad Jabbarli, Khadija Iskenderli, Jafar Mujiri, Islam Garibli, Sadraddin Huseyn, Shahbaz Musayev, Kheyrulla Mammadov, Mahmizar Mehdibeyli, Parvana Mammadamali, Farman Khalilov, Elmira Bagirova, Esmira Fuad, Vugar Ahmad, Solmaz Dashdamirova, Fikret Suleymanoglu, Latifa Mirzayeva, Sadagat Mammadova, Gandab Guliyeva, Sabiga Alasgarova, Aydin Sardarniya, Bahar Bardali, Agahuseyn Shukurov, Kifayat Zeynalova, Kifayat Mammadova.

Latifa Mirzayeva and Fikret Suleymanoglu has systematized the list of literature in 866 issues in Azerbaijani, Turkish, Russian languages and Internet resources in the book consisting of thirteen chapters. The book also contains detailed summaries in English and Russian.


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