Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

The book "Asad Bey - Gurban Said: secrets and facts" published

10-12-2020 [ 12:45 ] [ read:58 ]
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Book "Asad bey - Gurban Said: secrets and realities" (life, books, articles) by Orkhan Aras has published by ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi.  

The book consists of an introduction, three chapters and "Assad Bey's Articles". The book draws parallels between Mohammad Assad Bey and Gurban Said, and also explains the mysterious name Gurban Said with the indisputable facts that these two names are one and the same person. The scientific adviser of the publication and the author of the "Foreword" entitled "The world of Muhammad Asad bey and Orkhan Aras" is the first vice-president of ANAS, Director of the Institute, Academician Isa Habibbayli.

The scientific editor of the book is Doctor of Philology, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli, the translator is Nariman Abdulrahmanli.

It should be noted that, Orkhan Aras, who conducts research on emigrant literature, defended his dissertation on "Journalism of Mohammad Asad Bey" and received a Doctorate in Philology.