Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Lutviya Askerzadeh. "Ahmed Trinich"

06-11-2020 [ 13:26 ] [ read:368 ]
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The book "Ahmad Trinich" by Lutviya Asgarzadeh, senior researcher of the Department of New Age Azerbaijan Literature of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, doctor of philological sciences has been published. The book was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature dated September 30, 2020 (protocol № 4).

The editor of the book and the author of the foreword is Doctor of Philology, Professor Jalal Gasimov, the reviewer is Doctor of Philology, Professor Islam Garibli. The 210-page book opens with a foreword entitled "Ahmed Trinich's Scientific Presentation".

The book, published by "Elm ve Tehsil" Publishing House, consists of four chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. Detailed information about the artist is given in the chapters "Social environment, press and literature in Azerbaijan in the early twentieth century", "Ahmad Badi Rajab oglu Trinich", "Ahmad Badi Trinich in literary and artistic sources", "Memories, truths, probabilities". The book serves to provide real information about the biography, multifaceted activities, literary position of Ahmed Trinic (1893-1937) on the basis of documentary-historical materials.