Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

The second volume of Mohammad Hadi‘s works has been published

02-11-2020 [ 14:49 ] [ read:72 ]
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The Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS has published the second volume of Mohammad Hadi's works.

The book was published in accordance with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev dated December 5, 2019 "On the celebration of the 140th anniversary of Muhammad Hadi."

The scientific adviser of the book is the director of the institution, academician Isa Habibbayli, the scientific editor is the doctor of philological sciences, professor Asif Rustamli. The editor-in-chief, compiler, transliterator and publisher of Arabic graphics, author of the comments is Doctor of Philology, Professor Islam Garibli. The translator of the texts and expressions used by Mohammad Hadi in Arabic and not in Azerbaijani is Doctor of Philology, Professor Imamverdi Hamidov, and in Persian by Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Konul Hajiyeva.

The publication includes the author's journalistic articles, prose works, literary-critical articles, quotations and translations published in the Azerbaijani and Turkish press. The four-chapter book includes 91 works in the "Publicism" section, 12 works in the "Prose works" section, 9 works in the "Literary Critical Essays" section, and 13 works in the "Citations and Translations" section. The works are arranged in chronological order with explanations and comments, indicating the sources, and the language and style are preserved as much as possible.