Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A meeting in the context of literary relations

24-05-2023 [ 13:36 ] [ read:221 ]
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On May 22, 2023, ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a meeting with a group of scientists and teachers from Uzbekistan. The guests, consisting of professors and teaching staff of Termiz State University, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan University of Journalism and Mass Communications has  visited Azerbaijan-Turkmenistan-Uzbekistan literary relations, Nizami studies, Press history and journalism, Early realism and modern Azerbaijani literature and other departments. Mehman Hasanli, the executive director of the institute and Aygün Bagırli, the scientific secretary, met with Almaz Ülv,  the head of the department, and held scientific and literary discussions.

Among the guests, Azimidin Normamatovich, Yuldashev Normat Temirovich, Berdimurodova Maksuda Rahmatovna, Akbotayev Batir Haydarovich, Hummatova Gozal Amirgulovna, Khudaymuradova Hurriyat Muhiddinovna, Haitova Yulduz Oktamovna, Curakulova Gulnaz Shavkatovna were presented with new publications of the Institute of Literature.