Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Ilham Mammadli-60: Pure as water - Shirindil Alyshanli

15-02-2023 [ 13:43 ] [ read:38 ]
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The talented literary critic, scientist and publicist Ilham Mammadli was educated at the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, among his colleagues, pen pals and readers, he gained respect and reputation as a humble personality, a researcher who deeply understands the intricacies of the art of words, and a writer who maintains his dignity even in the most difficult moments of life. Ilham has been writing literary-scientific and publicist articles in the republican press for more than thirty years. Along with the pains and sufferings of the years of independence, we witness the sense of pride inspired by the return to national freedom and the return to the native land in his work. Ilham's activity as a journalist, publicist, citizenship and national zeal is accurately expressed by the name of the newspaper he edited: "Bütov Azerbaijan". Both ordinary news and historical articles in this newspaper carry out the mission of serving the integrity of our Motherland with a political mastery.

When Ilham Mammadli came to literary studies, he had enough experience. For a long time, I was in search of an author who was able to conduct a monographic research on the literature and rich art of music and words created in Kalbajar. From the first meeting with Ilham, I came to the conclusion that I had found what I was looking for. The approval of the thesis topic "Kalbajar literary environment" for Ilham Mammadli in the Scientific Council of the Institute caused a great discussion. Those who knew spoke, and those who didn't. We approved the topic by majority vote. Let me also say that those who challenged the subject were the ones who praised this work the most during the defense. Ironically, I've had quite a bit of nervousness when approving the topics of all my gifted students.

Ilham Mammadli rightly started his research work by collecting and publishing literary material. He prepared an anthology of the poems of the poet, who has already spoken his word for more than fifty years. By adding the extensive preface written by Kalbajar to this book, and the short biographies of the poets, a comprehensive collection based on scientific principles appeared, and a wide field for scientific-theoretical generalizations was created. Ilham Mammadli's "20th Century Kalbajar Literary Environment" monograph is one of the best works written in this genre in the last ten years. With this monograph, Ilham Mammadli confirmed himself in the literary and scientific environment as a literary scholar. The most important thing is that this work was not written with "habits of literary studies". Its author understands and correctly interprets the idea-artistic capacity of poetry, the historical evolution of its aesthetic carriers, and the nuances of its artistic function at each historical stage.

The author rightly points out that in the formation and evolution of a single literary process in Azerbaijan, the creative environments realized by certain historical, social and literary conditions in individual regions played a great role. Shusha, Tiflis, Shamakhi, Baku, etc. in the historical periods when the nationwide literary process was not yet formed. along with the general factors that unite their literary environment, there were also individual artistic and aesthetic values.

Kalbajar literary environment, as the last literary environment that retains its specific features, became a historical reality after the occupation of this region by Armenian fascism. The study of this literary-aesthetic reality carries a noble mission of revealing a branch of Azerbaijani literature with rich artistic shades.

Ilham Mammadli is a researcher with a delicate poetic soul. He studied the poetry of more than a hundred poets who wrote and created in Kalbajar.

I. Mammadli deeply studied the literary examples and personalities of this region and created creative relations with many of them.

Ilham Mammadli's monograph is a perfect work in terms of its scientific structure and principles of analysis. First of all, he is able to create a conceptual scientific image on the basis of historical-geographical, social-social and literary-artistic examples that determine the formation of this environment. The inclusion of historical and artistic materials in the analysis as a factor that complements each other in unity gives the author a reason to be consistent in his conclusions.

In order to reveal the artistic and aesthetic individuality of Kalbajar literary environment, the author conducts competent analysis and selects typical examples. The analyzes conducted in the manner of poetics of artistic samples reveal the individual artistic aspects of that environment.

Another scientific and social importance of this work is that the literary environment of Kalbajar is already of historical significance and the possibility of its restoration is in doubt. This book by Ilham Mammadli confirms the existence of such a specific environment in our history of literary and social thought.

Ilham Mammadli is a skilled penman. His journalistic activity, constant contact with literary and social life helped him in choosing and evaluating rich factual material. His familiarity with scientific-theoretical literature lays the foundation for the accuracy of his judgments and evaluations.

Another advantage of the monograph "20th Century Kalbajar Literary Environment" is that it was written on time. Many of the artists who came out of this region passed away, and they left the world with a longing for Kalbajar. Those who remained on the ground have returned to their native land today. However, it is unlikely that the aura we saw and experienced during the time that determined the meaning of "Kalbajar literary environment" will be restored.

Ilham Mammadli has been working as a leading researcher at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi for a long time. He conducts serious research on the historical evolution of the form of quatrain in Azerbaijani poetry. The articles he published on this topic in prestigious scientific journals help to determine the place of this form of poetry with ancient historical traditions in our poetry history. I have no doubt that Ilham will soon complete this monograph and present it for discussion.

Ilham is one of the main authors of the well-known publications of the department where he is an employee. In his research on Samad Vurgun, Mir Jalal, M. Ibrahimov, I. Efendiyev, M. Huseyn, B. Vahabzadeh, H. Kürdoğlu, M. Aslan, Fikret Sadığ, issues of poetics are taken as the main goal, and the experience gained in the author's first monograph helps him. . As one of the authors of the multi-volume "History of Azerbaijan Literature", his new creative qualities are revealed. Evaluating the historical process on the basis of modern theoretical and practical conclusions is the right methodological principle he chose.

I am proud of my students (many of whom, like my colleagues, already represent our science of literary studies). Ilham Mammadli has his place in this row. He is one of those who gained the status of "elder" before his time. It is pure and pure like the springs of Kalbajar, where it was born.

Happy 60th, dear Ilham!