Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Acquantiance with Hungary vocational education

30-05-2017 [ 16:26 ] [ read:192 ]
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Vice-president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), chairman of the Committee on  Science and Education, academic Isa Habibbayli was on a trip in Hungary with the invitation of Hungary Academy of Sciences, had a number of meetings, held negotiations for the mutual collaboration.  

 Chairman of the Comitee on Science and Education, academic Isa Habibbayli had a meeting in Budapest vocational lyceum of Machine masters, acquaintanced closely with the work of this enterprise.  Polskshi Gaborke, deputy of the minister of education of Hungary informed about structure, network and work rules of vocational education in the country. . Director of the Center of Budapest Vocational Schools, Ksereksnyes Piter spoke about the activity of the centers in organizing vocational education.  Inspector on vocational education of the Ministry of Education, Horvat Bela clarified admission requirements to vocational schools. 

 Vilayat Guliyev,  Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Azerbaijani Republic in Hungary took part in the event.