Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Scientific-investigation departments

Department of Literary Theory

11-05-2017 [ 17:29 ] [ read:673 ]
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ContactPhone: ( 994 12) 539 10 28 
Chief of the departmentTahira Gasham gizi Mammad, Doctor of Philology, Professor
Total number of the collaborators


Previous chiefs of the department

Mammad Jafar Jafarov, Yashar Garayev, Shamil Salmanov, Nizameddin Shemsizadeh

Well-known scientists of the department 

Mammad Jafar Jafarov, Yashar Garayev, Isa Habibbayli,  Aziz Mir­ah­madov, Kamal Talib­zade, Nargiz Pashayeva,  Mukhtar Imanov, Shamil Salmanov, Arif Hajiyev, Vali Osmanli,  Masud Alioglu,  Elchin Afandiyev, Timuchin Afandiyev, Vilayet Guliyev,  Gulu Khalilov, Gulrukh Alibeyli, Mammad Aliyev,  Nurlana Aliyeva, Israfil Israfilov, Asif Hajiyev, Maryam Alizade, Nizameddin Shemsizade, Shamil Valiyev, Rahila Geybullayeva, Shirindil Alishanov, Zaman Asgarli, Vagif Yusifli,etc 

Main activity directions
  1. Historical poetics of Azerbaijani Literature;
  2.  General regularities of the theory of literature and literary-historical process;
  3.   Historical and methodological matters of the literary-theoretical thought  
Main scientific achievements

Systematization of  East-West, as well as Azerbaijan experience of  the history of the theory of literature;

Determination of intersecting and separated pointsin comparison of typological features of literary movements with classical and Azerbaijani literature of the new period;

Systematization of stable and changeable aspects of the dramatic kinds and genres as per the regularities of  the national literature;

Revealing the originalities of the modern Azerbaijani prose in the context of Orient and West;

Evaluating of Azerbaijani poetry in the context of traditions and novelty;

 Definition of retro copy in the system of  theoretical categories;

Classification of mythological motives and elements of Sufism in the Azerbaijani Literature of XIX and XX century and so on;

Prestigious events held by the department

Tradition and globalization. 2002. Physics and Lyrics Conference within the Science Festival. 2015