Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Arif Safiyev. Our dramaturgy in the light of comedy

30-01-2025 [ 12:06 ] [ read:18 ]
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The book “Our Dramaturgy in the Light of Comicism” by Professor Arif Safiyev (1934-2024), Doctor of Philology, who worked at the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature for many years, has been published. The book, prepared on the occasion of the scientist’s 90th anniversary, was published by decision No. 4 of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Literature dated June 24, 2024.The book was compiled and prepared for publication by Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professor Safura Guliyeva. The scientific editor is Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
Shirindil Alishanli. The reviewers of the book are Doctors of Philosophy in Philology, Associate Professors Hijran Nasibova and Tahir Masimov.
The 528-page book was published by the “Elm ve Təyslık” publishing house. The articles “Genre Loyalty” written by Doctor of Philology Shamil Salmanov on the occasion of the scientist’s 70th anniversary and “The Treasurer of a Comic Laughter” written by Doctor of Philology Zaman Askerli on the occasion of the scientist’s 75th anniversary were included instead of the “Foreword”. The article “Ishqiglı alim, alimsaleh insan” by the compiler Safura Guliyeva was also included in the book. The book includes articles by literary critic Arif Safiyev published in various newspapers and magazines in 1964-2007 and essays “Dramaturgy” written by him in the books “Literary Process” prepared by the Institute of Literature in 1976-1984. At the end of the collection, lyrical poems written in Arif Safiyev’s youth in the archive and never published anywhere, as well as a number of pictures are also presented.