Position: senior researcher
Contact: 077 750 20 00
e-mail: ayselqurbanova@rambler.ru
Place of birth: Fuzuli, Azerbaijan
Date of birth: 09.06.1986
Education: Baku Slavic University, Faculty of Philology
Master's degree: Baku Slavic University, Azerbaijani literature
Doctorate: ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi
Academic degree: PhD in Philology
The subject of the PhD: “Artistic expression of national spirit in the Azerbaijani romanticism” 5715.01 Literary theory, literary analysis and criticism
Total number of published scientific publications: 15
Number of scientific publications has published abroad: 2
Pedagogical activity: none
Other activity: Awards: In 2021, I was awarded the "Young Scientist of the Year" award founded by the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS