Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Nizami Ganjavi - 880

Tahmina Badalova deklivered a paper on Nizami Ganjavi‘s work in Kharkov

25-10-2021 [ 10:42 ] [ read:370 ]
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An international scientific conference dedicated to Nizami Ganjavi's 880th anniversary, a prominent representative of world literature, genius Azerbaijani poet and thinker was held in Kharkov, Ukraine.

At the conference held at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics by the joint initiative of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Ukraine, Azerbaijan-Ukraine Friendship Society and the Kharkiv City Council.Diplomats, attended  the scientists, legal experts and local media.

Opening the international conference on "Ukrainian-Turkish common cultural heritage", chairman of the "Azerbaijan-Ukraine Friendship Society" Murad Omarov noted that, Nizami Ganjavi's bright heritage, which has become an integral part of the spirituality of our people, has retained its worthy place in the unique cultural heritage of the East. Holding such conferences contributes to the study of Nizami Ganjavi's heritage and the study of Turkish cultural heritage in Ukraine.

Leading researcher of the Department of Nizami Studies of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi, PhD in Philology Tahmina Badalova delevered an extensive presentation on the creativity of the great thinker. Although Ganjavi wrote "Khamsa" ("Five") in Persian, he promoted Turkish thought, Turkish traditions, Turkish morals, Turkish mythological, religious-philosophical and national-spiritual worldview in general. According to N. Ganjavi, such qualities as wisdom, morality, nobility, generosity, courage, purity in the world, that is, everything good, belongs to the Turks, the Turkish people.