Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Nizami Ganjavi - 880

Two letters by Nizami Ganjavi: two masterpieces in the history of world politics and diplomacy - Sirajaddin Haji

20-04-2021 [ 11:51 ] [ read:199 ]
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On April 16, 2021, a large-scale research of Sirajaddin Haji, a leading researcher of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi dedicated to the anniversary of Nizami Ganjavi was held. The article, published in the format of "Nizami Ganjavi - 880" was published as a "private issue of the 525th newspaper". The scientific editor of the issue is Professor Alizade Asgarli. Pages 5-28 are dedicated to Nizami Ganjavi. The article "Two letters of Nizami Ganjavi: two masterpieces of the history of world politics and diplomacy" belongs to Sirajaddin Haji, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor.



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