Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Nizami Ganjavi - 880

A call to return to the legacy and ideals of Nizami Ganjavi - Academician Isa Habibbayli

28-01-2021 [ 11:50 ] [ read:70 ]
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The proclamation of 2021 as the "Year of Nizami" by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev is a practical expression of the special attention and great care of the independent Azerbaijani state to the promotion of our classical literary heritage, national literature and culture in our country.

This is another manifestation of the consistent policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev to return to the history, culture and literature of Azerbaijan, our famous literary and historical figures. Earlier, the naming of 2019 as the "Year of Nasimi" created conditions for important steps to be taken to re-introduce this prominent poet and thinker to Azerbaijan and the world, to make a serious turn. I think that there is a need to rediscover and promote the rich artistic heritage of Nizami Ganjavi, who is well known and famous in Azerbaijan and the world, in the light of Azerbaijanism and independent statehood in modern times. Problems such as "Nizami Ganjavi's genealogy", "Azerbaijanism in Nizami Ganjavi's work", "Nizami Ganjavi's ideals of statehood and modern period" or "Nizami Ganjavi and the Azerbaijani renaissance" and others are more relevant now, in the days of our independence. The Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the "Year of Nizami" is of great historical significance as a historical document that provides ample opportunity to study and analyze the life and work of Nizami Ganjavi in ​​all directions on the basis of new thinking.

Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti İlham Əliyevin "Nizami ili" ilə əlaqədar imzaladığı Sərəncam vaxtıilə Ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyevin 1979-cu ildə böyük Azərbaycan şairi Nizami Gəncəvinin zəngin irsinin tədqiqi, tərcümə və nəşr edilməsi haqqında qəbul etdiyi qərar əsasında həyata keçirilmiş tədbirlərə yenidən qayıtmaq, başlanmış mühüm işləri daha geniş miqyasda və əhatəli şəkildə, yaradıcılıqla davam etdirmək üçün də geniş meydan açır. Bu baxımdan Nizami Gəncəvinin əsərlərinin dünya dillərinə tərcüməsi, "Xəmsə"nin akademik nəşrinin hazırlanıb çap olunması görkəmli sənətkarın haqqında xarici dillərdə tanıtma kitablarını yazıb nəşr etdirmək baxımından da qarşıda mühüm vəzifələr durur.

Although Nizami studies is a world science, Azerbaijan is the center of world Nizami studies. If the writings about Nizami Ganjavi in ​​the world are put in one eye of the scales, and the researches, published books and translations carried out in Azerbaijan are put in the other eye of the scales, Azerbaijan's Nizami studies will be difficult. Most of the commentators who wrote about Nizami from ancient and medieval times: Ahdi Baghdadi, Sadig bey Afshar, Lutvali bey Azer, Huseyn Efendi Gayibov, Mir Mohsun Navvab and others were Azerbaijanis. During the twentieth century, Azerbaijan has made great contributions to scientific studies. Firudin bey Kocharli, Mirza Mahammad Akhundov, Hamid Arasli, Mir Jalal, Mirza Ibrahimov, Mammad Jafar Jafarov, Azada Rustamova, Mikayil Rafili, Khalil Yusifli, Zumrud Guluzade, Chingiz Sasani and others made significant scientific contributions to the study of Nizami Ganjavi's heritage. Azerbaijan has always held a leading position in the translation and publication of works and poems of Nizami Ganjavi included in "Khamsa" in the Azerbaijani language, distribution and promotion in foreign languages.

Scientific research institutes covering the humanities and social sciences departments of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences also consider it an honor to write and publish scientific works that meet the high requirements of the new historical stage during the new independence. A new generation of Nizamishunas has already grown up in our country. Academician Teymur Karimli, corresponding member Nushaba Arasli, doctors of philological sciences Mehdi Kazimov, Mahammad Gojayev, Seyfaddin Rzasoy, Shafag Alibeyli, doctors of philology Zahra Allahverdiyev, Haji Sirajaddin, Vafa Hajiyeva, Khuraman Hummatova, Azizaga Najaf, Azizaga Najaf, YelenaTeyer, Khadija Iskenderli, Gulgun Babayeva, doctoral students Hurnisa Bashirova, Samira Aliyeva, Masuma Rzayeva and others continue to enrich the Azerbaijani legal science with scientific works based on serious scientific problems and new approaches in the light of independence. The proclamation of 2021 as the "Year of Nizami" by the Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev gives a great impetus to the further development of legal science.

Employees of the "Nizamishunaslig" department of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi have been working on the monographs on "Life and work of Nizami Ganjavi", "Scientific biography of Nizami Ganjavi" based on primary sources will further improve and complete and present to the public. In addition, the monograph "Nizami Ganjavi and Shota Rustaveli" implemented by the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi together with the Institute of Georgian Literature named after Shota Rustaveli in 2017-2020 will be published in book form in Baku and Tbilisi in 2021 in Azerbaijani, Georgian and English languages. It is intended. Employees of the Institute of Literature continue research on the monograph "Amir Khosrov Dahlavi, a prominent successor of Nizami Ganjavi." In addition, the second issue of the Nizami Ganjavi almanac, which has been re-published after many years, will be delivered to readers this year. At the same time, the doctoral dissertations of Zahra Allahverdiyeva, Vafa Hajiyeva and Haji Sirajaddin on the current problems of Nizami Ganjavi's life and work will be discussed.

The Presidential Decree on the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi opens new prospects for instilling in future generations a sense of national pride, Azerbaijanism, patriotism, and more widely promoting the processes of national and spiritual self-awareness. It is the duty of every intellectual to carry out well-thought-out propaganda work in this direction everywhere, from secondary schools to scientific and cultural institutions and in the mass media.

President Ilham Aliyev's decree declaring 2021 the "Year of Nizami" calls on Azerbaijani intellectuals to mobilize to return to a world-class artist like Nizami Ganjavi.

Academician Isa Habibbayli, First Vice-President of ANAS, Deputy of Milli Majlis 

525th Newspaper, 2021, 05 January