Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Gambarova Gulnar Ramiz gizi

13-03-2023 [ 13:12 ] [ read:173 ]
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Position: Leading researcher

Contact:  051 754 51 74

Place of birth: Sumgait, Azerbaijan

Date of birth: 19.02.1988

Education: Baku Slavic University, Faculty of Philology

Master's degree:Baku Slavic University, Theory and History of Literary Criticism

Doctorate: ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi 

Academic degree: PhD in Philology

The subject of the PhD:The years of independence, the concept of national history in Azerbaijani prose 571601. Azerbaijani literature.

Total number of published scientific publications: 45

Number of scientific publications published abroad: 15

Names of scientific works: National history in contemporary prose, Monograph. Baku. "Eko print" 2019, 148 p. 571601. Azerbaijani literature.

Pedagogical activity: none

Other activity: Khanimana Alibeyli's signature in children's literature (Collective) Baku, "Science and Education", 2020, 148 pages

Awards: In 2020, I was awarded the "Young Scientist of the Year" award founded by the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS