Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi



09-03-2017 [ 14:30 ] [ read:748 ]
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 Vice president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, doctor of philology, professor, Honoured scientist, active member of ANAS, academic

 “...Progress and development became inevitable process in independence period Azerbaijani literature after the begining of XXI century.   Delivering Azerbaijanism ideology of the prominent state figure Heydar Aliyev to the level of the state level has been resulted with strenghen of this position in the scientific thought and literary mind in the new historical epoch.  In this sense, independence period Azerbaijani literature is the main structural unit of Azerbaijanism in the science.  It is the characteristical feature of the Azerbaijani literature to provide promotion of the national unit and renascence processes, return to the homeland, nation, land, historical memory and root in the literature , as well as self-identity  It is paid attention to the study of the mutual relations, but not ideological principles from the standpoint  integration to the world science. It is also one of the main objectives of the Azerbaijani literature to direct the national and universal values in the situation of the state independence”.

Isa Habibbayli


Contact: office phone .(+994 12) 5103425;  (+994 12) 4929707; fax: (+994 12) 5102092;

Main indicators of the scientific activity:

 He is the author of the scientific articles which 585 of them were published in the state, 182 in abroad, as well as he is compiler, editor and scientific advisor of 285 books

 He was a scientific leader of 59 PhD and 17 doctoral thesis

 His works were published in english, french, russian. turkish, arabian- persian, urdu, bulgarian, hungarian, lithuanian and other languages. 

Topic of PhD thesis: 57.15.01;Theory of literature;Azerbaijan romantic lyrics in the early of XX century

Topic of doctoral thesis : 5716.01;History of Azerbaijan Literature;Jalil Mammadguluzadeh: His environment and contemporaries

Election of corresponding member : 2001 - Azerbaijani literature       

Election of active member :2003 -Literature study

Main scientific achievements :  The research of the stage and problems of Azerbaijani literature of XIX-XX centuries, the heritage of J.Mammadguluzadeh, O.F.Nemanzadeh, M.Shahtakhtinski and investigation of theoretical problems of romantic poetry.  

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations:

Associate-member of Ataturk Culture, Language and History Organization (1999)
“Honorary Friend of Ankara University” (1999)
Elected a member of editorial staff of “Brother literatures” journal publishing in Turkey (1999)
Real member of New-York Academy of Sciences (2001)
Elected a Member of the Board of World Azerbaijanis Coordination (2001)
Real member of International Informationalization Academy  attached to United Nations Organization (2006)
Elected a member of editorial staff of 
 “ International scientific journal” publishing in Moscow (2008)Academician of  USA Biography Institute (2011)

Pedagogical activity : Professor in Nakhchivan State University

Other activity :  Member of Parliament, a member of the Political Council of the New Azerbaijan Party, Deputy Chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party Committee on Science and Education 

Awards and prizes:

Honorary decree of Ministry of Education (1999)
Honorary Title of  Honored Scientist of Azerbaijan Republic ( 1999)
“Honored friend of Ankara University” (1999)
“Person of the year” by USA Biography Institute (2001)
Turkish Language Association “Outstanding Service Berat”  (2004)
Order of “Glory”(2007)
The order of “Honour ”(2009)
The diploma of “The elite of information world” and medal “The leader of scientific direction” (2009) of  International Informationalization Academy 
The symbolic award  of Turkey Eurasia Culture and Art Association (2009)
Republic of Turkey Husein Gazi Culture and Arts Foundation awards (2009)
Honorary award of  Supreme Majlis of   Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (2009)
Honorary award of the Chairman of Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (2009)
Honorary award of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (2009)
“The leader of scientific direction of   XIX-XX centuries Azerbaijan Literature (Mirza Jalil) and development of modern scientific-art idea in Azerbaijan” award of International Informationalization Academy (2009)
Awarded with “The name in Science Award” (2013)



See: Bibliography