Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

Nizami Ganjavi - 880

Nizami Ganjavi Year - 2021: full text database

27-10-2021 [ 10:50 ] [ read:157 ]
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Order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on declaring 2021 the Year of Nizami Ganjavi


Academician Isa Akbar oglu Habibbayli

A call to return to Nizami Ganjavi's legacy and ideals

“Nizami Ganjavi literary heritage: From Heydar Aliyev to Ilham Aliyev”

Days of Vagif poetry in the year of Nizami Ganjavi

 Quote by Nizami Ganjavi.

 Nizami world by Academician Mammad Jafar Jafarov

 The conqueror of literature and the conqueror of eternity

World beauty of Azerbaijan literature

Days of Vagif poetry in the year of Nizami Ganjavi

A turning point in Nizami studies

 Abid Hamid oglu Tahirli (Ph.D.)

Mohammad Ali Rasulzadeh: “A poet from Ganja was the only Turk who did not challenge any exaggeration"

“Memorial plaques of Sheikh Nizami, or”

Almaz Gasim gizi Binnatova (Ulvi) Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

Nizami Ganjavi's works in Uzbek scientific sources

Ataemi Bala Baba oglu Mirzayev (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

Gazal in Azerbaijan epic poetry: from Nizami to Fizuli

Quranic motifs in Nizami Ganjavi's "Khamsa" (based on the story "Yusif")

The combination of epic narration and lyrical presentation in Nizami's "Khamsa"

   Aygun Agabagir gizi Bagirli (Ph.D., Docent)

Nizami Ganjavi's social ideal

Aygun Bagirli, Zakira Aliyeva. Nizami Ganjavi in our literary memory, “Literary" newspaper

Nizami Ganjavi in the theoretical and aesthetic ideals of Samed Vurgun

 Javanshir Aziz oglu Yusifli (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

Nizami’s work  must be studied by deeply sensitive personnel

O Sheykh Nizami...

 Elnara Seydulla gizi Akimova (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

 "Moral Admonition to my son Muhammad" - the first example of children's literature

"Nizami in the context of the principles of modern art”

 Nizami Ganjavi’s legacy within the President's appeal "Education of the Young Generation"

"Year of Nizami Ganjavi", or secularization of Eastern values

  Elnara Elkhan gizi Garagozova (Ph.D.)

Deconstruction in postmodern Azerbaijan prose: Nizami Ganjavi's archetypes


Farida Ahad gizi Azizova (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

Nizami Ganjavi's creativity in the researches of Azada Rustamova

Gulchin Agamehdi gizi Babayeva (Ph.D.)

Nizami Ganjavi‘s heritage in Barat Zanjani‘s researches


Khuraman Bahman gizi Hummatova (Ph.D.,Docent)

Invisible moments in the tale of an Indian prince in Nizami Ganjavi's "Seven Beauties" 

Imamverdi Yaver oglu Hamidov (Dr.Phil.S, Prof.)

Nizami Ganjavi's heritage in the researches of Arab scholars

Matanat Gudrat gizi Vahidova (Ph.D.)

Connection between art as a model of artistic worldview in Nizami's work

Analysis of Nizami Ganjavi's aesthetic views in the context of intermediality

Nizami Tagi oglu Mammadov (Tagisoy) (Dr.Phil.S, Prof.)​

Notes on Russian translations and Russian editions of Nizami's works



 Nushaba Hamid gizi Arasli (Dr.Phil.S, ANAS Corresponding Member)



 "Nizami Year" will bring us success

 Nizami traditions in Navizadeh Atayi‘s "Khamsa"

The sun of happiness born from unity 

Conversations at Nizami and Guvahi ethical meetings

Shirindil Hasan oglu Alishanov (Dr.Phil.S, Prof.)

Nizami Ganjavi's poetry in Mir Jalal's theoretical commentary

Sirajaddin Ganimat oglu Hajiyev (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

We need to understand Nizami, not just remember him (Interview)

Preaching justice by Nizami

Literary identity of Nizami Ganjavi


Tahmina Kamran gizi Badalova (Dr.Phil.S, Docent )

Faces has depicted by Nizami's pen

Historical figures in Nizami Ganjavi‘s "Treasure of Secrets"

Motives of "Kalila and Dimna" in the works of Nizami Ganjavi

Nizami Ganjavi and Mohammad Ravandi's work "Rahat as-sudur.."

Nizami Ganjavi issue of "Brotherly Pens" addressed to the Turkic world

Nizami Ganjavi: "No courage is better than justice"

Nizami Ganjavi's legacy and "Gabusname"

Nizami and "Leyli" connecting line: Turkish thinking

Periodicals about Nizami Ganjavi in the early XX century

Nizami Ganjavi: the scientific essence of the poetic word

Vafa Davud gizi Hajiyeva​ (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

Historical roots of the Amazon image in the works of Nizami Ganjavi




   Vugar Ahmad Mikayil oglu (Ph.D., prof.)

Nizami Ganjavi's work in a religious-philosophical-cognitive context

Zahra Abas gizi Allahverdiyeva​ (Dr.Phil.S, Docent)

The facts proves that Nizami Ganjavi is a Turk by nationality, both on the paternal and maternal side

A new stage in the history of Nizami studies

About the genealogy of Nizami Ganjavi

Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan Nizami Studies

Some notes on Nizami Ganjavi’s poem “Iskendername”

Nizami Ganjavi and Sanai Ghaznavi

Zakira Imamverdig izi Aliyeva (PhD., Docent)

Nizami Ganjavi in our literary memory “Literary" newspape

Nizami Ganjavi in Azerbaijan-Latvian literary relations: bibliographic review

Visual Presentations of Nizami Gencevi's Works as a Means of Reviving Our National Spiritual Memory


About our Nizami scholars Nizami Ganjavi

About Turkish scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About Tajik scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About Uzbek scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About Iranian scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About Georgian scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About US-European scientists Nizami Ganjavi

About Russian scientists Nizami Ganjavi


Isa Habibbayli. Introduction book “Great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi” (2021)

Isa Habibbeyli. Nizami Genjevi. From Azerbaijan to the World (2021)

Nizami Ganjavi almanac - II (2021)

Nushaba Arasly. Nizami Ganjavi and Turkish Literature (2021)

Khuraman Gummatova. Nizami Ganjavi and Esotericism (2021)Sirajeddin Haji.

Commentary of Nizami Ganjavi's "Seven beauties" (2021)

Alimukhtar Mukhtarov. The image of Nizami Ganjavi in fiction

Electronic resources

Publications published by the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences  within the proclamation of 2021 as a "Nizami Ganjavi Year" in the Republic of Azerbaijan 

Nizami Ganjavi-880 - Special issue of "Adabiyyat" newspaper 

2021 is A Year of Nizami Ganjavi