Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Description of genocide in modern Azerbaijani novels - Salida Sharifova

31-03-2023 [ 12:06 ] [ read:58 ]
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The wave-like increase of hatred against Azerbaijanis and Turks in the Armenian society several times, the committing of acts of genocide against our compatriots are indelible bloody pages of history. The roots and consequences of the periodic activation of Armenian fascism have become the object of extensive analysis in modern Azerbaijani novels. The authors are interested in various aspects and shortcomings of social existence: social injustice and inequality, the historical past and prospects of Azerbaijan, the state of national consciousness, the occupation of our lands by Armenians, the sufferings of the Karabakh war, refugee life, its problems, and so on. The authors of the pen encourage their compatriots to learn from historical events through novels that are able to reflect life events in a comprehensive plan and on large boards. Writers describing the criminal acts committed by Armenians in the beginning and middle of the 20th century for the purpose of occupying the lands of Azerbaijan urge us not to forget such bloody historical events in the future.

AZERTAC informs that these ideas were included in the article "Description of Genocide in Modern Azerbaijan Novels" by Salida Sharifova, employee of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS, doctor of philology, professor of ANAS, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. We present the article in abbreviated form.

In the novel "Black Blood" (Fazil Güney), we observe the mention of historical facts: "...what did those scoundrels you mentioned do when the revolution began in the world at the beginning of our century? In 1915, they carried out ethnic cleansing in the north of Turkey and burned women and children in bonfires. In 1905-1907, in this same Karabakh, in Zangezur, in March 1918, in Baku, again in Zangezur, Shamakhi and Guba, civilians were cut into pieces, gathered in a mosque and burned."

In the novel "Miracle" by Alibala Hajizade, it is also noteworthy to review historical events and remember the tragedies caused by Armenian nationalists throughout history. The work painfully recalls the genocides committed by Armenian nationalists against Azerbaijanis in the past. The author manages to tell the events that happened in the language of the heroine of the work, the Azerbaijani girl Leyla: "In the fifth year, in the eighteenth year, I don't know who they are, who stole water into our country, who took our land, put our innocent babies to the bayonet, who tied burning samovars to people's backs. were they Were they not Armenians? Or will you say again, what do those Armenians have to do with these Armenians?" It is interesting that the writer tries to shed light on the reason why Armenian nationalists committed brutal and criminal acts against Azerbaijanis many times throughout history, and why such a tendency was maintained for many years. The author connects this with the current education system among Armenians. It should be noted that in the works written about the Nagorno-Karabakh war and the Armenian aggression, it is of special interest to give a copy of the Armenian invader, as well as to analyze the features specific to this copy.

It is noteworthy that the Armenian invaders, who are described in most of the novels in modern Azerbaijani literature, grew up among our nation and got acquainted with our traditions and mentality. In the written works, those Armenians are depicted in skillfully disguised "friendly", "sweet-hearted", "poor-looking" and typical images.

In Anar's novel "White Ram, Black Ram" at the end of the 20th century, along with the occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other regions of Azerbaijan by Armenia, the events of 1918 were highlighted, and the attitude to the bloody massacre that took place on this date was also reflected. The author writes: "Thousands of Azerbaijanis were slaughtered in March 1918 in this place, which is sometimes called the "Garden of 26".

In Elchin Mehraliyev's novel "The Nineties", the sedition and corruption committed by the Armenians in Baku at the beginning of the 20th century and the genocide against the Azerbaijanis are reflected in detail in the plot line of the work: "And just like now, it suddenly got mixed up, as if there was no government, on the one hand the Armenians, on the other side, started killing the bandits and seizing their wealth. Who was killing whom he was killing. They said that blood flows instead of water in Baku, villages are destroyed in Guba, Shamakhi, Hajigabul and people are destroyed. But there was still calm on the Gamzagil side, because Aziz Bey had formed an armed group and they were afraid of his power. When the news spread that Andranik would move from Gorus to Shusha, his henchmen on these sides also became active, joined hands and started causing provocations here and there. The goal was to create favorable conditions for the enemy's army to march from Zangezur to Karabakh." The author brings to our attention the remembrance of historical facts through the daughter of Gamza Abbas, and the fact that the atrocities committed by Armenians throughout history are not forgotten: "When Gamza Abbas gizi thinks like this, the hazy memories of the distant past wander in her head, the villages burnt to ashes by the gang of rabid Andranik, the human massacres he committed - with unprecedented tortures. The bodies of the murdered child, the old man, the girl, the daughter-in-law, insulted and put on a terrible display, came to life again and again in front of his eyes..."

In her novel "Cry of Captive Hearts", Elsa Mollayeva explains the deep roots of strong nationalism in Armenian society and the dominance of chauvinist values in their national consciousness through the actions of a simple Armenian woman who is bloodthirsty and alienated from humanity: let me sit down, let me see you vomit blood, Turkish dogs!.. Samvel, give me one of them, I will drink your blood..." The author, explaining the immorality of chauvinist nationalism, focuses on the problem of the spread of a deep moral crisis in Armenian society for many years.

The fact that the Armenians did not come to terms with the defeat they suffered in the war against the Azerbaijanis at the beginning of the 20th century and grew up with hatred against the Azerbaijanis.

Her husband, who lives with a sense of revenge, is written in Mahira Abdulla's work "It ends" and conveyed to the reader. In the work, Aron's language reveals that hatred against Turks and Azerbaijanis has already taken deep root in the national consciousness of Armenians. It is commendable that modern novelists highlight the deep roots of this syndrome while noting the fact of "inheritance" of Armenian nationalism.

The aggressive nature of Armenian nationalism in modern Azerbaijani novels is connected with the history of the Armenian nation. Thus, the fear complex has taken root in the national consciousness of the Armenians who settled in the historical lands of Azerbaijan. If we review the official documents of Armenia and the speeches of the state officials, it can be seen that Armenians are afraid of Azerbaijanis and Turks. The arrival of Armenians to the South Caucasus creates a constant feeling of fear in them, and creates a feeling of hatred towards the real owners of the lands they occupied. The hatred of Armenians is succinctly and clearly described in the language of Ashot in Ali Amirli's novel "The City of the Dead": "Hey, Turkish dog, have you considered us enemies? So you're a fool, you want to sell our land and our house to us? It seems to Sora that it was a matter of honor to kill the Armenian Ashot's mother, even a Turk. We have to clear these lands from them, we have to drive them out as long as they have not spread."

I would like to note that the authors who describe the genocides against the Azerbaijani people did not ignore the problem of captivity. Azerbaijani writers could not help thinking about the inhumane treatment and cruel acts committed against the Azerbaijanis captured by the Armenians, and the sale of body parts of the captives as donors. It should be noted that most of the facts covered in the novels related to the Armenian captivity are based on reality. For example, in Nushaba Mammadli's work "Zangula", the realistic description of the captivity of Azerbaijanis captured by Armenians during the Karabakh conflict attracts attention. The fact that the Azerbaijanis who were captured by the Armenian nationalists were placed in a stable near Khankendi, and that our girls and brides became toys in their hands, is reflected in the work with heartache.

Novel authors were not indifferent to the refugee problem. It is the fact that Armenians' territorial claims resulted in forced refugees and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis from their native lands, and the effect of refugees on the socio-political situation of Azerbaijan has been widely reflected in our modern national novels.

When describing the genocides committed against the people of Azerbaijan, the authors also give ample space to the description of terrorism, which has become a global problem. Terrorism is one of the most terrible manifestations of violence in modern society. Azerbaijan has already felt the weight of terrorism. Armenian terrorism targeting Azerbaijan and Turkey is one of the undeniable and terrible historical facts. Taking into account the widespread spread of Armenian terrorism in the region, People's Writer Anar tried to reveal the nature of existing terrorist and extremist organizations in his work "White Ram, Black Ram". Anar's main thesis is that terrorism has no nationality. The lack of spirituality of terrorism does not allow them to rely on any national traditions and values. Terrorists were criminals no different than the organization they belonged to.

In the end, it can be noted that in the description of the genocides committed against the Azerbaijani people in the modern Azerbaijani novels, the writers have achieved their literary goals. Works that are important in terms of genre development and content, that reflect the reality of their time in artistic language through the course of events, actions and thoughts of characters, were created and delivered to readers.