Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


The 3rd Korea-Azerbaijan Humanitarian Forum held

06-07-2022 [ 13:07 ] [ read:45 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi,  the Embassy of the Republic of South Korea in Azerbaijan and the Institute of Eurasian Turkish Studies of Korea, and the Institute of Eurasian Turkic Studies, Korea Dongduk Women's University organized the Korea-Azerbaijan held 3rd Humanitarian Forum on "Fourth Industrial Revolution; "New humanitarian challenges in Korea and Azerbaijan" International Symposium.

The forum was moderated by Aygün Bagırli, the scientific secretary of the Institute of Literature, and Sunah Choin, an employee of the Eurasian Turkish Research Institute.

ANAS Vice-President, Director of Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature, MP, Academician Isa Habibbayli welcomed the participants of the forum in his opening speech and stated that such events are a contribution to the development of literary and cultural relations between the two countries. He said that "Azerbaijan-Korea multifaceted relations, which started after the independence of our republic, have come a long way in a short period of time. The relations between South Korea and Azerbaijan, which were founded by the outstanding statesman Heydar Aliyev, continue successfully as a result of the purposeful policy of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

During these years, Azerbaijan and South Korea have carried out many important events in the oil sector, in the field of information technologies, in the direction of transport, as well as in the spheres of science, education and culture. Korea has become one of the main partners and allies of the independent Azerbaijan state in Asia. We note with gratitude that South Korea has always recognized the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan at the international level. South Korea's defense of the fair struggle of Azerbaijan in the 44-day Patriotic War deserves great gratitude. They take an active part in the reconstruction of Karabakh within the framework of the "Great Return" movement program announced by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.

While summing up the work done during the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic relations, we should especially note that very large and important measures were implemented. Korea is a friend, brother and partner country to Azerbaijan. The Institute of History, the Institute of Oriental Studies, the Institute of Literature, the Institute of Philosophy, the Institute of Economy of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences have each established relations with South Korea according to their own profile. The Korean Center operates at the Institute of Literature. Head of Azerbaijan-Asian Literary Relations Department, Doctor of Philology, Professor Badirkhan Ahmadli and employee of the  Department Leyla Hasanzadeh are making efforts for the development of the South Korea Center. South Korean literature is also being studied.

Then, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Azerbaijan, Eun-Yong Lee, noted in his speech that "The Korea-Azerbaijani Humanitarian Forum is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and has been held for the third time. The exchange in the field of humanities continues successfully. I want to note that the first year of the Korea-Azerbaijan Humanitarian Forum was a very meaningful year. The second time it was organized showed that this forum is not a one-time event, but can be held continuously. With Eurasian Turkish Research Institute and Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature at the center, our cooperation in the field of humanitarian forum will develop further in the future under the leadership of both institutes.

Head of the Institute of Eurasian-Turkish Studies, Korean professor Eunkyung OH spoke at the forum. He stressed that "I am very excited that the 3rd Korea-Azerbaijan Humanitarian Forum, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries which is being held in Baku.

At the opening ceremony, Lim Sam Jin, Director of the Korean Institute for Environmental Research and Assessment delivered a wide-ranging speech on  "The future of Korea and Azerbaijan opening with humanities in transportation".

The Humanitarian Forum was held in two sessions: "Language-Literature" and "History-Culture", various topics were presented and discussed in each field.