Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on declaration of the year 2025 "Year of Constitution and Sovereignty" in the Republic of Azerbaijan

28-12-2024 [ 13:09 ] [ read:310 ]
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To have an independent and sovereign state, to build a developed society based on the principles of national moral values, solidarity, humanism, justice and the rule of law have been the greatest dream of the Azerbaijani people for centuries. Despite external interventions and deprivations at various stages of history, our people have preserved their national identity, the spirit of struggle, have always been committed to their ideals and restored state independence at the end of the twentieth century.

Although the Constitutional Act "On the State Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan", adopted on October 18, 1991, provided the preparation of a new Constitution, the negligent activities of the authorities in 1991-1993 led to an acute crisis in all spheres of public life, anarchy in the country, the mechanisms of state administration were not formed, it was not possible to ensure the rule of law, the right of citizens to a free and safe life.

Only thanks to the great saving mission of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev, who returned to power in 1993 at the demand of the people, the dangerous processes taking place in our country were stopped, social-political stability was ensured and a reliable basis for building a modern state was created. The first Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted on November 12, 1995, prepared under the direct guidance of the Great Leader, formed the basis of large-scale legislative and institutional reforms in our country. This Constitution has played the role of an important legislative base for realization of such major intentions as protection of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state, construction of legal and secular state, ensuring decent living standards for citizens, cooperation with the countries of the world in conditions of friendship and peace.

In the preamble to the Constitution, the protection of the State independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was proclaimed as one of the basic objectives. However, the almost 30-year occupation of 20 percent of our lands as a result of Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan did not allow the application of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan in those territories. To put an end to the occupation policy of Armenia and restore the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country became one of the main goals of the national idea of ​​the Azerbaijani people, all the resources of the society were directed to the solution of this vital task .

As a result of the historic victory in the Patriotic War, which started on September 27, 2020 in response to Armenian provocations, and the successful anti-terrorist operation conducted on September 19-20, 2023, the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country were fully restored, the legal power of the Constitution of Azerbaijan was established in all territories liberated from the occupation. According to the Decree No. 294 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 19, 2024, September 20 was declared the Day of State Sovereignty in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Today the Republic of Azerbaijan, guided by the national interests of our people, continues its independent policy more resolutely and mainly in the conditions of new realities, based on the requirements of the Constitution and its sovereign rights, confidently moving towards the upcoming strategic goals.

Taking into account the full restoration of our territorial integrity and sovereignty as one of the goals proclaimed by our Constitution, the 30th anniversary of the adoption of our Constitution and the 5th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War in 2025, in accordance with paragraph 32 of Article 109 of the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, I decree:

1. To declare 2025 the "Year of Constitution and Sovereignty" in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2. Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to prepare and submit to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan within a month proposals on the plan of actions related to declaring 2025 in the Republic of Azerbaijan "The Year of Constitution and Sovereignty".

Ilham Aliyev

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Baku city, December 28, 2024