Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A scientific session dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Ali Tude held

01-05-2024 [ 11:37 ] [ read:32 ]
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ANAS Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature held a scientific session dedicated to the Ali Tude's 100th birthday. Participants at the ceremony included members of the poet's family, representatives of  Azerbaijan Writers Union and mass media.

First, a glimpse of the exhibition that showcased the poet's life and work was presented. The goal of the conference, according to Academician Isa Habibbayli, ANAS President and Director of the Institute of Literature is to introduce Azerbaijani society to the writings of Ali Tude, one of the most notable figures in 20th-century Azerbaijani literature.

He noted that the outstanding Azerbaijani poet, member of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union, Honored Art Worker Ali Tude was one of the main creators of South Azerbaijani literature in our country and created excellent lyrical works in the spirit of freedom and patriotism, ensuring the national and moral integrity of Azerbaijan.
Əli Tudə yaradıcılığının ideya-mövzu və bədii sənətkarlıq cəhətdən zəngin olduğunu deyən akademik İsa Həbibbəyli ədibin vətəndaş şair kimi özünün ictimai-siyasi baxışlarını dövrünün çətinliklərinə baxmayaraq cəsarətlə lirik əsərlərində tərənnüm etdiyini bildirib. “Əli Tudənin bütün yaradıcılığı çoxcəhətli lirikasından ibarətdir. Onun poeziyasında süjet xətti və qəhrəmanlar var. Həmçinin publisistikasında lirik notlar müşahidə edilir və özünəməxsus bədii keyfiyyətlərə malikdir”, - deyə akademik İsa Həbibbəyli söyləyib.The head of ANAS emphasised that Ali Tude's turbulent life serves as an example for younger generations, noting that the poet's life and work are studied at the Institute of Literature, his books are published, and associate professor Agahuseyn Shukurov, a Ph.D. in Philology, defends the dissertation on Ali Tude's work. He mentioned that, the South Azerbaijan branch of the Institute of Literature completed and wrote the South Azerbaijan portion of the "History of Azerbaijan Literature" in a short amount of time, and that segment featured a distinct essay on Ali Tude.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that the poet's works, which exude a sense of independence, have evolved into a symbol of the fight for our southern neighbours' right to an education and a culture in their own tongue.
Later, in a speech, Salim Babullaoglu, the secretary of the Azerbaijan Writers' Union for translation and international relations, explained that it is meaningful to mark Ali Tude's 100th anniversary following the 44-day Patriotic War.
The poet's son, Natig Javadzade, concluded by thanking the event's organisers and attendees while speaking on behalf of his family and reciting selections from his father's poetry. He added details about his father, noting that Ali Tude had been twice deported and had been cut off from his own nation. Ali Tuden has consistently said that he thinks Azerbaijan will unify, both North and South.

He claimed that although being mostly known as a patriotic poet, he also wrote some exquisite pieces on other subjects. He underlined that he had always missed his father's birthplace, the village of Chomagbulag, which is situated at the base of the Savalan mountain. He claimed that despite the poets from South Azerbaijan who travelled with him visiting the South, he was unable to return to his own country. His passport, which identified him as a political immigrant, was the primary cause of this.
He added that he produced 20 books after gathering his father's writings.