Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Academician Isa Habibbeyli discussed issues of cooperation with the head of TUBITAK in Ankara

04-12-2023 [ 12:49 ] [ read:61 ]
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During his tour to Turkey, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), met with the head of the Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Institute (TÜBTAK), professor Dr. Hasan Mandal.

ANAS contacted AZERTAC about this. According to reports, the present situation of ties between the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and TÜBTAK, as well as development potential, were reviewed at a meeting held at TÜBTAK's central office in Ankara.

Academician Isa Habibbayli stated at the meeting that connections between TUBITAK's ULAKBIM - Dergi Park Institute and the scientific institution he leads are improving. Mehmet Mirat, the head of ULAKBIM, expressed thanks for the significant debates that took place in ANAS and the proper conclusions that were reached.

In 2024, the parties considered the formation of collaboration contacts in five additional areas, in addition to the ULAKBIM project: artificial intelligence, mutual support of collaborative scientific initiatives, seismology, archeology, and carbon-14 analysis. The feasibility of establishing a TUBITAK office in the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was considered in order to more efficiently build the increasing links.

Hasan Mandal stated that developing cooperation with ANAS will strengthen the importance of science in Turkish-Azerbaijani relations and that cooperative initiatives will be fostered.

It was determined that ANAS and TUBITAK will sign a new memorandum of agreement.