Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A conference on "Living Nizami Ganjavi" held

08-12-2021 [ 10:41 ] [ read:92 ]
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The proclamation of 2021 as the "Year of Nizami Ganjavi" in our country is a clear example of the high value given to Azerbaijani literature and culture, the classical heritage.In accordance with the order, events dedicated to various problems of the genius thinker's literary and artistic heritage were held throughout the year, and new research works were written that shed light on many aspects of his work.As a continuation of the events within the "Nizami Year", a scientific-practical conference "Living Nizami Ganjavi" was held in Ganja, where the great poet was born, jointly organized by the Presidium of ANAS, Ganja City Executive Power, Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi and Ganja Department of ANAS.

Participants of the event first visited the monument to great leader Heydar Aliyev in the central square of Ganja.

At the conference held at the Ganja Department of ANAS, the guests first got acquainted with the exhibition "Nizami Ganjavi - 880". Copies of Nizami Ganjavi's manuscripts kept in libraries and museums around the world, as well as miniatures of his works, books and monographs published by the staff of the Department as part of the "Year of Nizami Ganjavi" were displayed at the exhibition.Opening the conference, Chairman of the Ganja Department, Academician Fuad Aliyev greeted the participants and spoke about the importance of the event dedicated to the great poet.Vice-President of ANAS, Director General of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli spoke about the research, study, publication and translation of the legacy of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi into many world languages throughout the year. the foundation is laid. Considering Nizami Ganjavi one of the creators of world literature, the academician noted that Nizami is the Alexander of the world of words, if Alexander the Great conquered the world with his sword, Nizami Ganjavi conquered the world with his pen and wisdom.Academician Isa Habibbayli presented various publications published at ANAS within the framework of “Nizami Ganjavi Year”, including an introductory book on “Great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi” published in 10 languages, and an album-book “Let's read Nizami” prepared by TURKSOY to Ganja Department. The Academician also presented the words of Nizami Ganjavi, engraved on the board by Seyfaddin Mammadguluyev, an employee of the Institute of Manuscripts, to both the leadership of the Executive Power and the Ganja Department of ANAS.

Chairman of the Eurasian Writers' Union Yagub Omeroglu presented a special issue of the magazine "Brotherly Pens" dedicated to Nizami Ganjavi, prepared jointly with the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi.

Then the conference participants visited the Victory Park, the area destroyed by the bomb dropped by the Armenian armed forces during the Second Karabakh War and commemorated our martyrs.

The guests also visited the Nizami Ganjavi mausoleum, as well as the graves of the poet's father Yusif and mother Raisa near the mausoleum.

Visitors to the Nizami Ganjavi Museum got acquainted with the rich exhibits of the museum and wrote their heartfelt words in a notebook. It should be noted that Khalil Yusifli, a well-known Nizamishunas scholar, also took part in the event, which took place at the museum. He shared his interesting views on the poet's manuscripts kept there. Publications of the Institute of Literature and books of the staff were donated to the museum.