Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi

New publications

Fidan Abdurakhmanova. Sleepy angels

03-06-2024 [ 15:31 ] [ read:134 ]
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The book of stories "Sleepy Angels" dedicated to the memory of the children killed in the earthquake by Fidan Abdurakhmanova, a leading researcher of the Literary Criticism Department of the Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS, doctor of philosophy in philology, was published.

The publisher and editor of the book is Gasham Isabayli. Preface entitled "Stories written with a common sense of our mental geography" Preface "Children and Belongs to Bijan Veysel Yıldız, founder and head of Youth Literature Writers Union. The editor is the daughter of Aslanova Konul Maharram, a teacher of secondary school No. 1 in Agdam district.

The 36-page book was published by "Shirvannashr" publishing house. "The sun rising from the earth to the sky", "Miracle", "On the face of the sky", "Already a child" and "A handful of hair" the images of the children who experienced the tragedy in the earthquake were created in the stories.