Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held a scientific seminar on "Technology of literary text analysis"

29-03-2023 [ 11:43 ] [ read:210 ]
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ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a scientific seminar on "Technology of literary text analysis".

Executive Director of the Institute of Literature, Ph.D. in Philology, associate professor Mehman Hasanli has opened the event with an introductory speech. In his speech, he emphasized that such seminars have already become a tradition. He noted that "we have already changed the format. Our goal is to change the audience we focus on, to be more useful, to contribute to the development of science. Today's seminar is called "Technology of literary text analysis". Our speaker is Tahira Mammad, head of the Literary Theory Department of our institute. This is a very necessary topic. Before the seminar, we held discussions on the topic."

Then the head of the Department of Literary Theory, Doctor of Philology, Professor Tahira Mammad gave an extensive report on the topic. He also noted that this seminar is also practical in nature. He shared his opinion that such seminars will be of great help to young researchers writing dissertations.