Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


A symbol of courage or once again about the "Commander" - Saltanat Aliyeva

23-05-2022 [ 11:54 ] [ read:41 ]
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Karabakh is already free. And today, although our lands have been liberated from occupation, the war, especially the Karabakh war, remains one of the most topical issues in Azerbaijani literature. The exemplary path of our heroic sons, who set an example for future generations and sacrificed their lives, lives and dreams for the Motherland, is written with sympathy, and their souls are remembered with infinite love and respect.

Well-known writer Sharif Aghayar's "Commander", one of the most perfect novels recently written about martyrs, is dedicated to one of such heroic sons - the legendary commander, April martyr, Lieutenant-Colonel Raguf Orujov, known to the people as "Murov Eagle".

According to the author, Raguf Orujov's way of fighting is taken as the center line when discussing the Karabakh issue in a novel written in a new style. The four-part novel tells about the childhood of the brave warrior, his activity in Murov and his way of fighting, as well as his rise to the point of martyrdom. It is impossible to read the operation scenes calmly and quietly. The situations of the heroes, their madness, their loyalty to each other, their love for the homeland are painted in colorful colors and make the reader experience these scenes. And the prose writer does not just describe the path of war and confuse the reader here. Undoubtedly, the bitter consequences of war and the wounds it inflicts on people's lives and hearts are more clearly reflected in the fate of those living in exile. In particular, the emotional pain and emotional turmoil suffered by children and women is extremely intolerable and a blow to human psychology that will never be erased. The author depicts such relationships and lifestyles with few, but full, impressive and lively scenes. Not content with this, the writer expands the scope of the subject and, more precisely, skillfully conveys to the reader in simple language, expressing his feelings in depth, looking at events from a broader perspective, drawing attention to the rules of human behavior in difficult psychological moments. And it expresses it naturally by being able to do it at a high level. One of the highlights of the novel is the reflection and promotion of commitment to family values and national traditions in the most difficult situations. In the play, the commander's brother wants to go in search of his mother, who went missing when the villages were occupied. But it is very risky. He wants to stop his friends. He took the machine gun and did not back down. In such a situation, the arrival of the commander breaks his stubbornness. "It simply came to our notice then. Calms down. I am the eldest of the house. We have everyone entering next to the elder. Even if it is very unfair. " (pp. 19-20) Such episodes, which are an expression of endless respect for family values, can be found in the novel. Thus, the author manages to reflect the life of the protagonist down to the most delicate moments. It clearly shows that he felt in his heart not only a hero he had never seen, but also the moral values and moral behavior preserved in his family.

Full paper:;newsId=117898&lang=aze