Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Presentation of Samad Vurghun's "Selected works" held

23-05-2018 [ 09:08 ] [ read:31 ]
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The presentation of the book "Selected Works" published with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been held at Samad Vurgun's House Museum. Doctor of philology, professor Gazanfar Pashayev, doctor of philology, professor Sirindil Alishanli, doctor of philology, professor Rustam Kamal, doctor of philology Alizade Askerli delivered a speech and emphasized that the book is a valuable contribution to literary studies.
Notably, the author of the preface and comments of "Selected Works" is doctor of philology, senior lecturer Asan Salmansoy, doctor of philology, senior lecturer Aygun Bagirli and reviewer, doctor of philology, professor Shirindil Alishanli.