Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Presentation of Jeyhun Hajibayli's "Selected works" was held

09-02-2018 [ 10:49 ] [ read:29 ]
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Vice-President of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli reminded President Ilham Aliyev's decree on the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the declaration of 2018 as the "Year of the People's Republic of Azerbaijan". He noted that Jeyhun Hajibayli's book "Selected Works" is of great importance in terms of studying our republican heritage.

Then, the author of the book, the author of the foreword and notes, philosopher Abid Tahirli made a report entitled "From the history of Jeyhun Hajibeyli's works".

Corresponding member of ANAS Tehran Mustafayev, doctor of philological sciences, professor Vugar Ahmed, translator from French language of the works in the book Mirzabala Amrahov, doctor of history, professor Solmaz Tohidi and others shared their views on the writer's life and creativity.

At the end, Mirzabala Amrahov issued grandson of the writer Kleman Hajibeyli’s letter to the participants of the event.