Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Literature held next meeting

01-10-2024 [ 16:11 ] [ read:17 ]
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On October 1, Scientific Council of ANAS Institute of Literature after Nizami Ganjavi held a next meeting.

The meeting was attended by ANAS President, Director of the Institute of Literature, Academician Isa Habibbayli, members of the Scientific Council, employees of the institution and relevant persons.

Academician Isa Habibbayli opened the meeting and the agenda of the meeting was approved.

First, Doctor of Philosophy, associate professor Rahid Khalilov and Ibrahim Yusifoglu, PhD in Philology, associate professor Mahmizar Mehdibeyova, Elmira Bagirova and Maral Poladova were awarded on the occasion of their anniversary.

Then, Academician Isa Habibbayli, on behalf of the Scientific Council, congratulated Elnara Akimova, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Children's Literature Department of the Institute of Literature on the occasion of her election as the 7th convocation deputy of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The books authored by the employees of the Institute of Literature and published in the republic under their scientific editorship were displayed during the meeting of the scientific council.

The Academician said that the head of state delivered a speech during the unveiling ceremony in which he set several tasks for our scholars. As the President mentioned we see the high spirit of our people, returning to Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur in Ashig Alasgar’s example when he was forced to leave his land at the age of 97 but returned there at the age of 100, despite all the dangers.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that Professor Maharram Gasımlı, head of the department of the Institute of Literature, also spoke at the ceremony.

The head of ANAS expressed deep gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev on behalf of our scientists for the high value he placed on creativity of Ashig Alasgar, a prominent representative of Azerbaijan’s ashiq literature.

Subsequently, several scientific and organizational issues were discussed during the meeting.

The first issue discussed was the works done and upcoming tasks in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's decree on celebrating the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli, dated January 25, 2024.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that remarkable works had been done at the Institute of Literature regarding the life and creativity of Muhammad Fuzuli. Significant research had been conducted in the Fuzuli Studies sector and conferences had been held. He informed that a conference dedicated to Muhammad Fuzuli would be held in October with the organization of the Humanitarian and Social Sciences Divisions of ANAS. Additionally, the Academician stated that a conference would be organized together with Gazi University of Türkiye. He also added that ANAS would be represented at a conference dedicated to Muhammad Fuzuli in Kirkuk in December. The head of ANAS emphasized the participation of Azerbaijani scientists in “Fuzuli Days” events held in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. According to the head of ANAS a postage stamp dedicated to the 530th anniversary of Fuzuli had been issued in Germany.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that, according to the mentioned decree, the creativity of Fuzuli is being widely promoted not only in our country but also in the Turkic world and the West.

Discussions were also held regarding the upcoming tasks in accordance with President Ilham Aliyev's decree dated September 9, 2024 on celebrating the 100th anniversary of Nabi Khazri. Academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the president's decree highly appreciates Nabi Khazri's creativity. He mentioned that a scientific work on Nabi Khazri's creativity had been defended at the Institute of Literature, resulting in the publication of a book. The head of ANAS issued relevant instructions to organize a conference dedicated to the creativity of Nabi Khazri, a prominent representative of Azerbaijani literature at the Institute of Literature.

Subsequently, discussions were held regarding the 10th Baku International Book Fair dedicated to the 530th anniversary of Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli, which will take place at the Baku Expo Center. Academician Isa Habibbeyli stated that approximately 200 local and foreign organizations, over 90 prominent literary figures and nearly 60 thousand visitors are expected to attend the fair, with participation of representatives from the Turkic states. He noted that the fair would feature master classes, book presentations, signing days, conferences, and symposiums, and participation of young people and doctoral candidates could be beneficial for their future activities. Academician Isa Habibbeyli also emphasized the importance of the fair in identifying the directions of world literary studies and underlined that the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences would also participate in the International Book Fair with a special stand and issued relevant instructions.

Afterwards, the head of the Department of Literary Criticism, doctor of philology Vagif Yusifli gave information regarding the speakers for the “Literary Process – 2024” creative meeting, presenting the names of the authors. 

Additionally, the head of the Department of Education, PhD in philology, docent Gunay Garayeva gave information regarding the admission for PhD and Doctor of Sciences programs for the year 2024.

The scientific secretary of the Institute of Literature, PhD in philology, docent Aygun Bagirli made suggestions regarding issues of associate professorship, publications, and competitions. The proposals were put to a vote and approved.

Several current issues were discussed at the end.