Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Notification: A talk titled "The "linguistic revolution" in 20th-century humanitarian philological thought" will held

05-05-2024 [ 14:30 ] [ read:129 ]
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Doctorate and dissertation students are invited to a lecture by docent Maral Yagubova on "Linguistic revolution in 20th century humanitarian philological thought" on April 6, 2024, at 11:00. The autonomy of the literary text and language in formalism, the typology of formalism (mechanical, organic, systematic, and linguistic), the shift to postformalism or structuralism, the semiotic analysis of literature and structuralism, the relationship between structuralism and narratology, textualism and intratextualism, poststructuralism and deconstruction, and the "linguistic revolution" will all be explained in the report. We'll talk about what this revolution gained and lost in terms of literature and philological ideas.

The participation of doctoral students and dissertations is important!