Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


ANAS Institute of Literature held a scholarly symposium on "Mohammed Fuzuli and the Turkic world"

17-04-2024 [ 11:19 ] [ read:22 ]
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The Nizami Ganjavi Institute of Literature of ANAS hosted a scholarly symposium on "Mohammed Fuzuli and the Turkic world" on April 16.

According to, President of ANAS Isa Habibbayli, who presided over the scientific conference, mentioned that president Ilham Aliyev's decree "On the celebration of the 530th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Muhammad Fuzuli" guided a number of events that took place in our nation this year. Muhammad Fuzuli, according to academic Isa Habibbayli, is a poet who brings the Turkish people together.

The report on "Mohammed Fuzuli and the literary environment of Iraq" by Professor Mutaz Muhyi Abdulhamid, the head of the Iraq-Azerbaijan Friendship Society, was heard at the scientific conference.

Speaking about the significance of the occasion, Alimukhtar Mukhtarov, PhD in Philology, director of the Nizami Ganjavi Centre, the Ganja branch of ANAS, predicted future expansion of the work being done in this area.

Moscow-based writer and professor Abuzar Bagirov, our compatriot, discussed the research on Fuzuli's creativity in the Russian context during his address.

Among the Uzbek guests were professors Nurbay Jabbarov, named after Alishir Navai of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, professor Dilshod Gayipov, dean of Urgenj State University's Faculty of Uzbek Philology, and Islam Yogubov of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature, who discussed some of the most intriguing moments in Fuzuli's creative process during their speeches.

Report on "Fuzuli Baghdadi and the controversy of historians" was given by Dr. Sabah Kirkuklu, chief editor of the journal "Turkman culture" and head of the Turkmen Culture Centre under the Iraqi Ministry of Culture. The Iraqi Manuscripts Institute discovered a manuscript copy of Alishir Nawai's treatise "Muamma" known as "Fuzuli's Commentary" during the lecture. Fuzuli wrote the manuscript copy, which was written in 1554.