Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi


Azerbaijan marks 170th anniversary of Najaf Bey Vazirov

02-04-2024 [ 12:19 ] [ read:100 ]
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Najaf bay Vazirov has played an outstanding role in establishment and improvement of the national theatre and development of the Azerbaijani dramatic art.

His name entered the history of Azerbaijan as the founder of realistic tragedy genre, the first Azerbaijani actor, the first feuilletonist and a talented writer.

Najaf bay Vazirov was also a talented journalist and columnist.

In his works, Vazirov comes forward as a great enlightener exposing and criticizing the remnants of feudal-patriarchal system in the society.

One of the best works by Vazirov was “Musibati-Fakhraddin” (Fakhraddin’s grief) written in 1896, which marked the birth of the tragedy genre in the Azerbaijani literature. Having created such plays as “The Stone Thrown From Behind Hits the Heel”, “From Rain To Downpour”, “Pehlevani-Zemane” (Hero of the time), “Late Repentance Is No Use” etc. Vazirov also recommended himself as a prominent playwright. These plays made Vazirov an immortal classic of the Azerbaijan literature.